Ghost busters

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A couple of days went by and me and Billy got really close. Me and him called it official 4 days before halloween and 4 days before one of the worst days of my life.

I was getting ready for school in the Byers house when Joyce knocked on my door. "Hey sweetie, do you have any tape for wills Halloween costume?" She said with a sweet smile. "Of course" I said handing it to her. I put on a skirt ,a sweater, and my converses. I was trying to decide on silver or gold jewelry when I heard a lot of noise in the living room.

I walked out of my room to see Jonathan taking pictures of Will in the cutest ghost busters costume I've ever seen. I stood next to Jonathan and smiled at Will. We all heard a honk coming from the front of the house. "Okay I have to go, bye" I said waving to all of them and hugging Joyce. Me and her had grown close over the 3 months her and my dad were dating. I looked outside to see me dads car gone and Billy's waiting for me to come on.

I got in the passengers seat with max in the back of the car. "I told you I'd be here by 8 why weren't you outside?" Billy said not taking his eyes off the road. "Sorry, I was talking to Jonathan" I said looking at Billy waiting for his responds. "Who the hell is Jonathan?" He said getting angry. "My dads girlfriends son" I said more quiet than I had been. He stayed silent and so did me and Max. Billy had always gotten angry anytime I was late or anytime I mentioned another boy whether it was Jonathan or anyone really.

We arrived at school at 8:10 which was 5 minutes before the middle school classes started and 20 before high school, which I was fine with, I like to be early. Max hurried to get out of the car and on to her skate board on the way to the school. "Bye max, have a good day" I said with a smile while I waved at her. She waved back but didn't say anything which was a step up from her just ignoring me. "You don't have to be nice to her, you know that right?" Billy said lighting the cigarette that was in his mouth. "I want to be though" I said walking toward the school. He started walking beside me and threw his cigarette out.

I went to my locker while he followed me to it. We were still talking about Halloween or Tina's party or Max or anything really I couldn't pay attention because I was still focused on how mad he had gotten earlier in the morning. After I had my book we walked to math class but as we passed everyone I saw Steve wave at me so I put my hand up to wave back before Billy grabbed it. "What the hell was that?" Billy said still holding onto my wrist. "Nothing, can you let go?" I said trying to pull my arm back to me but he really wasn't letting go. "Don't talk to him" Billy said letting go of my hand and kissing my cheek and walking to his science class. I looked back to Steve who was now walking away to most likely make out with Nancy somewhere.

I went to the bathroom only to be scared by the person who it looks like I'm stalking. Steve and Nancy were, as I expected, making out in the bathroom. "Oh shit, sorry" I said turning around to walk out. "No it's fine I'm leaving" Steve said with his hands still on Nancy. He left the bathroom leaving me with Nancy. "Hey" she said almost like she really didn't want to talk. "Hey" I said back to her looking in the mirror fixing my mascara. "So are you going to Tina's party" she asked me. "Duh" I said laughing and rolling my eyes. She laughed back to me. The bell rang and we both left to bathroom to go to the English class we had together with Jonathan.

Tina handed everyone flyers as we walked out of the class. She grabbed my arm before handing one to Nancy, completely ignoring Jonathan being there. "Can I have another one?" Nancy said before Tina handed her another one and started talking to me. I wasn't listening I was watching at Steve scared Nancy at her locker. I wasn't interested in him, I had a boyfriend, I just wanted what she had. A happy family, a happy relationship, friends that actually care about her, I just wanted to be happy the way that she's happy.

Billy took me home later that day. Billy wanted to take me to his house but I had to go to the wheelers house anyway to work on my project with Nancy. When i got there it was already 4 o'clock so we wouldn't have that much time before Tina's party would start. We spent 30 minutes just talking then an hour on the project even though neither of us cared about it. It was quiet until a call came on Nancy phone.

"It's your dad" Nancy said to me before offering the phone up to me. I took it and spoke into it. "Hey dad" I said annoyed that he would call me from my friends phone. "I can't pick you up" he said with a sigh "what do you mean I need to go home" I said getting angrier. "You can call Jonathan but I can't get you, I have to go sweetie I'm sorry, I love you" he said before I hung up not saying anything back.  "Can I call Jonathan?" I asked Nancy, she just nodded. I dialed the Byers phone. "This is the Byers" I heard Jonathan's voice say. "Hey Jonathan it's Izzy, can you pick me up? I'm at Nancy's" I said waiting for him to respond. "Yeah I guess, when?" He asked me "now" I said before hanging up the phone and getting all my stuff together.

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