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I had driven Dustin to the mall because I didn't have to work and let him go play with Steve while I helped Robin at Scoops. She was listening to the Russian recording still trying to decipher the rest of the code while I worked at the front. "Ahoy, all hands on deck" I heard from behind me along with a bell. I was watching Robin from the window trying to ignore the little girl talking behind me. I don't even work here.

Erica Sinclair and all of her friends were waiting at the front. I had seen them all 5 times today and it was only 10. "I'd like to try the Peanut butter Chocolate swirl please" she said with a condescending smile on her face. I assume this has gotten Robins attention so she had come up to the front to argue with the little girl. "Where's the sailor man?" Erica said rolling her eyes and turning to me. "Busy" I said to her. "Busy with what?" She responded confused. "Spy craft" I said smiling and looking toward the spot where Dustin and Steve were crouched behind a stool.

So I know that I made this like first person and everything but this part is toooooo good to not include. So sorry. This next part is with Steve and Dustin.

"See anything?" Dustin asked Steve while Steve looked through the binoculars and at the people in the mall. "I guess I don't totally know what I'm looking for" Steve responded taking the binoculars from his face and turning to Dustin. "Evil Russians" Dustin responded. "Yeah, I just don't know exactly what an evil Russian looks like" Steve said putting the binoculars back up to his face.

"Tall, blonde, not smiling" Dustin responded. Steve gave a simple mhm while looking at someone in the binoculars. "Also look for ear peices, camera, duffelbag, stuff like that" he said turning to Steve who was still looking around. "Alright dufflebags" he said before looking around then stopping on two people. "Oh you've got to be kidding me" Steve said. "What?" Dustin replied. "Anna Jocobis talking to that meathead Mark Lewinsky" he said causing Dustin to roll his eyes and try to grab the binoculars.

"Did if your not gonna focus then give me the binoculars" Dustin said. "Awe Jesus Christ what ever happened to standards. I mean Lewinsky never even left the bench" he told Dustin.

"Dude you are the worst spy in the history of spies, and besides I don't even know why your looking for a girlfriend when you have the perfect girl right infront of you" Dustin's said rolling his eyes causing Steve to take the binoculars off. "If you say Iz once more time" Steve said. "Izzy, Izzy, Izzy, Izzy, Izzy" he said while Steve protested the idea. "No man, he's not my type okay Shes not even in the ball park of what my type is" Steve said. "Oh yeah, what's your type again? Not awesome?" Dustin replied. "Thank you" Steve said causing Dustin to give an mhm and look back to the crowd of people through the binoculars.

"For your information, she's still in school and she's hyper, I don't like that she's hyper and she's your sister, that's weird. Dating my friends sister. Weird. She did drama, no" before Steve could continue Dustin cut him off. "Now that you're out of high school, which means your technically an adult, don't you think it's time you move on from primitive constructs such as popularity?"

"Oh primitive constructs, is that some stupid shit you learned from camp know nothing?" Steve said defensively. "Camp know-where and no it's shit I've learned from life. Instead of dating somebody because you think it's gonna make you cooler why not date somebody you actually enjoy being around. Like me and Suzie" Dustin said causing Steve to respond with an argument.

Oh yeah, Suzie, you mean hotter than Phoebe Cates, that Suzie, and how did you score that perfect girlfriend of yours? Oh yeah my advice, cause that's how this works Henderson, I give you the advice and you follow through with it, not the other way around". "What the hell are you losers talking about?" Steve heard from behind him in her voice causing him to jump. Izzy was standing behind them but hopefully not for that long.

Okay back to first person sorryyy

Before Steve could respond Dustin tapped his shoulder and pointed to a spot in the mall. They both looked at each other and spoke in unison. "Dufflebag". They ran toward the person and I ran after them. "What the hell are you guys talking about?" I got no answer. "Don't ignore me what are we doing?" I said while we all ran up the escalator. I apologized to the people are on the escalator on the two boys behaves.

"Slowdown" I heard Dustin say to Steve while we all walked close behind a man carrying a dufflebag. "Your getting too close" Dustin said before Steve ran into someone. "Watch it dickwad" the man said before I responded, "fuck you, asshole" I said sticking up my middle finger toward him as he walked off.

He kept walking before Steve and Dustin walked over to the side of the mall. Steve grabbed my waist and dragged me over to a furniture store while Dustin pretended to me on the phone not too far away. "What the fuck?" I said trying to walk away from Steve but before I could he grabbed my waist and spun me around to face him again. Before I could say anything Dustin and Steve started walking toward the man again.

We had all gotten behind a pillar while they both stacked on top of each other I stood beside them unhidden by the pillar. We watched at the "Russian" pulled out a boombox and started to play wake me up before you go. The women in the Jazzercise class started to move as the boys and I watched in shock.

"Yeah boys, I don't know, your evil Russian is kinda hot" I said before walking off and back to the Ice Cream Parlor.

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