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I helped Dustin bury a body. Not an actual body but it was dead which is still terrifying and disgusting. I helped him set out "food" for this thing he calls dart.

"So it's like your pet?" I asked him "Yeah, I guess" he responded while setting out bologna for the animal. "But it's like deadly? Like a rattle snake or a fucking tiger or some shit?" I said scaredly. No way this shits real. "Can you just shut up and help?" He said while setting out more food. "Don't be an asshole" I said to him while setting out some food.

After we had set out all the food we hid in the shed outside Dustin's house waiting for that stupid thing to come out. "So why do you even have this...thing?" I asked him not knowing what to call it. "First off, he's not a "thing", he's my new discovery, D'Artagnan" he paused looking at me and giving a toothy smile while talking about his "new discovery".  "and two, even though it's none of your business, I did it for a girl" he said still smiling. "A girl?" I asked him. Before he could respond dart was out in the yard eating anything and everything.

We waited for a minute but got confused on what was taking to long so I looked out of the crack of the door only to find the 4 legged freak of an animals head facing me. I put my back against the wall scared for my life. Then looked again. He was even closer. Before I got say anything Dustin ran to the monster and shoved him into the cellar.

"Fuck yeah dude" I said trying to high five Dustin but rolled his eyes and walked away getting in my dads car cranking it. "Come on" Dustin yelled to me as I jogged over.

We rode over to the Wheelers to hopefully find Mike or Nancy or someone helpful.

Dustin knocked on the door and there was Ted Wheeler. "Is Mike home?" Dustin asked "Honey, where's Mike?" Ted asked his wife "Wills" she yelled back. "Nancy?" Dustin asked "Honey,where's our daughter?" Ted yelled to his wife again "Ally's" his wife yelled back. "You know, your no help did you know that, god damn it" Dustin said walking away. "Thank you mr wheeler" I said smiling. He smiled back and shut the door in my face.

"Dustin" I said to him jogging toward him even though he started walking away from my car and walking toward the road.

It was Steve fucking Harrington.

"I've been thinking. I love you,I'm sorry. Im sorry? What the hell am I sorry for?" I heard him mumble to himself. "Are those for mr or mrs. Wheeler?" Dustin said knowing the obvious answer. "No, what?" Steve said confused looking at me as Dustin snatched the roses from his hand. "Roses really? You're such a cliché" I said to him grabbing the flowers from Dustin and putting them in the passengers seat with me.

"Where are we going?" Steve said from outside of the car. "I'll explain on the way, do you still have that bat?" Dustin said to Steve as Steve got in the car with a confused look on his face.

We were almost to Dustin's when Steve and Dustin were having an argument about dart being a lizard. "His face opened up and he ate my cat!" Dustin screamed which caught my attention causing me to turn to him in the backseat.

It was silent the rest of the way to Dustin's house.

Once we arrived Dustin brought me and Steve to the cellar. "Hes in there" he said looking at Steve. "Listen, kid, if this is some stupid Halloween prank" Steve said shining his flashlight at Dustin. "It's not, now get that shit out of my face" Dustin said before going to get the key to the cellar leaving me and Steve at the cellar door. "So why are you here with Dustin? Are you like his babysitter or something?" Steve said turning to me. "Yeah, or something" I said not looking at him. Of course I was still mad at him but I had to admit I still liked him.

Once Dustin came back he unlocked the cellar door and Steve shined his flashlight down the stairs. "He must be further down, I'll stay here just incase he tries to.. escape" he said looking down the stairs while me and Steve looked at him. "Okay" Steve said looking worried but still not moving. "Oh my god, come on" I said before grabbing the flashlight out of his hand and walking down. "Wait" he said before following me down the stairs.

I turned on the dim light on and looked around the room filled with boxes and concrete walls. "Izzy" Steve said shining his flashlight to the ground and bringing something up on his bat. It looked like slimy shedded skin. "Dustin, get down here, now" I said pointing the flashlight up the stairs toward him.

"Holy shit" Dustin said looking at the shedded skin. I pointed my flashlight to the massive whole in the wall causing both of them to turn to look at it. "Holy shit" Dustin said louder than he did the first time.

The next day me, Dustin and Steve drove to an abandon train track and started walking dropping meat everytime we stepped further down the tracks. "Alright, so let me get this straight" Steve said while throwing down more food for dart. "You kept something that you knew was probably dangerous to impress some girl who you just met?" He asked Dustin. "Alright that's grossly simplifying it" Dustin responded. "Why would some girl like some nasty slug anyway" I asked him. "An interdimensional slug, cause it's awesome" he said laughing. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

I could barely hear them talking anymore because of how much further I had gotten on the tracks. "Izzy, slow down" I heard Dustin say so I stopped walking. "Just act like you don't care" Steve said referring to the girl advice that he was in the middle of giving Dustin. "Really? Is that why you and Nancy are doing so well" I said sarcastically. He looked at me and continued talking to Dustin about this mystery girl. "Until you feel it, you know" Steve said looking around. "Feel what?" Dustin asked. "It's like the feeling you get before it storms" Steve said to Dustin.

Dustin went on about an electric field when Steve stopped him "no, no, no, no, no, it's like a, like a sexual electricity". "Don't you think he's a little bit young for "sexual electricity"" I said in air quotes. "I'm not too young for anything" Dustin said.

They continued there conversation and I stopped listening until they started to talk about Nancy. "Nancy's different" I heard Steve say but I acted like I wasn't paying attention "she seems pretty special, I guess" Dustin said pausing afterward before speaking again "what about Izzy?" He asked Steve. I didn't expect him to actually answer but he did. "She's different too but not like Nancy" he said before Dustin changed the subject to talk more about his mystery girl.


We finally got to an abandoned yard filled with beat up cars. "Oh yeah, this'll work" Steve said before walking toward the cars and dumping out all of the leftover meat in the middle of the yard. "I said medium-well" I heard from a familiar voice. It was Lucas Sinclair.

I had babysat Lucas and his little sister, Erica, multiple times before and I would say we get along.

There was a girl with him, Max Mayfield, Billy's step-sister. I could tell from Dustin's face that he was not happy to see them together.

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