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Izzy laid on the couch next to a sleeping Eddie as she watched the bad black and white TV. Gravel shifted outside as Izzy got off the couch to look out the window. She moved the curtains out of the way to get view of the car. A familiar but unfamiliar car pulled into the driveway. As the headlights turned off she quickly shut the curtains and ran toward Eddie, shaking him awake as she reached him. "Get up, get up. We gotta go" she said as she grabbed their clothes and he lazily rubbed his eyes. "What why?" he asked as she grabbed his arm, dragging him off the couch.

They quickly make their way to the back door when they see flashlights peering in through the windows about 30 feet away from them. "Shit" Eddie said as he quickly followed Izzy out the door.

They squatted as they quickly but quietly walked to the boat house. Eddie shut the door slowly as he began to freak out. "Who is that? Is that the cops? How did the cops find us? What do we do? I don't wanna die. Am I gonna have to kill a cop?" he was cut off by Izzy shoving him against the wooden wall, covering his mouth. "Shut up" She whispered to him as he quickly nodded to her.

She got off of him as she silently began to freak out. "Izzy" Eddie whispered to her attempting to catch her attention. She looked to him as he looked to the boat.

She quickly got into the boat as he untied the ropes holding it to the boat house. Eddie pushed off the boat house. Both of them began to row as Izzy watched the three boys she used to call her friends rush to the boat house. As the flashlights moved she saw Patrick. "Fuck" she said under her breath as she rowed faster.

The boat house door opened back up as Jason rushed out of it. "hey freak" he yelled out catching both Izzy and eddies attention. The boy quickly ran into the water with Patrick following close behind.

Jason was a few feet from the boat as he began to speak, "Iz?" he said finally noticing the girl. "Iz you don't have to do this, I don't know what this freak is telling you but its not true. He killed Chrissy, just help us-" He said quickly getting cut off by Izzy hitting him with her oar. "Don't call me that asshole" She said as Jason came back up and began swimming again. "Izzy I swear, i'm not gonna hurt you" He said as she attempted to hit him again. He grabbed the oar and pulled it, almost pulling Izzy off of the boat. "Goddamn it Izzy stop" He said before she quickly retaliated, "Fuck you".

She finally saw Patrick as she attempted to look away from his defeated face. He continued to swim until he suddenly went under the water. Jason stopped swimming as he looked around. "stop it" Izzy said to Eddie causing him to stop rowing. Izzy peered out to the water, looking for Patrick. The water was still and the wind went quiet until the boy popped back up, shooting up out of the water into the sky.

His bones began to break as Izzy watched in horror. She stood still as Eddie began to back away form the scene, tipping over the boat. Izzy was thrown into the water. She flailed around until she felt arms around her waist pulling her up to the surface. She couldn't swim, she couldn't move, she breathed deeply as she watched Patricks eyes get sucked out of his skull. His body dropped with a small splash as Eddie pulled Izzy slowly away from the scene.

"Iz, come on. I need you to do this, please" he said in her ear. She didn't respond she just kept her body limp. "Izzy please" he said again. She pushed off of him and began swimming. She kicked her legs and arms as hard as she could as her body slowly gave up. Once they reached land Eddie pushed Izzy up. She sat on the edge of the rocky land as Eddie pushed himself up. She breathed heavily out of exhaustion as Eddie pulled her up.

They walked for what felt like hours until the found a large set of rocks. "Lovers rock" Eddie looked at Izzy with a smile, attempting to cheer her up. She just looked down with the same blank expression she's had for 10 minutes.

Izzy sits up on one of the rocks with Eddie lying down next to her. "Hey" Eddie says as he sits up, supporting himself on his elbows. Izzy gives no reaction.

"Iz" Eddie says putting his hand on her arm. "Why? Is it me?" She asked jolting backward to face him, making him move his hand. "What?" Eddie asks her. "Am I the problem? Am I like a walking death trap?" She said. Tears welted up in her eyes as she held them back with all the energy she had left. "You need to sleep" Eddie said going to put his hand back on her.

She pulled her arm away,"I'm who's next? Dustin? Robin? Nancy? You?" She said. Eddie put his hands on her shoulders making her face him. "You're not a walking death trap Izzy. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are perfect" he said.

A large breath escaped her mouth as she looked at him, flipping between his two eyes. Her mouth opened but no sound came out.

"Just go to sleep, please" he said to her as he let go, lying back down.

She laid next to him, both staring at the sky for a few minutes. "I meant it" he said. She turned her head to face him. His nice side profile facing her. "What?" She asked him. "I meant what I said" he said now turning to her. "You're perfect, Izzy". They looked at each other for a few seconds before Izzy looked back to the sky. "I'm tired" she said as she turned the opposite way to him.

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