Is that a cat?

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Days had gone by and I hadn't talked to anyone except Jonathan. Which sucked ass when I he randomly disappeared leaving me alone at school with no ride there or back. I had my license just no car. My dad drove me to school the first day but the second day Jonathan didn't show up I knew I would be fucked. My dad offered to let me drive his car but I couldn't leave him to ride to work with Joyce and Will. I decided to try and call Tina but she unsurprisingly didn't answer. Apparently her and Billy have been having sex which I'm not suprised about honestly. I called Nancy who I assume was with Jonathan because they have been really close recently.

I decided to catch a ride with Joyce and Will and walk the rest of the way.

When I got to school I walked the halls alone and it was okay at first. Until lunch, when I had usually been sitting in Jonathan's car with him and Nancy but with him not being there I was fucked. I thought about sitting outside at first but that would've too embarrassing. So I sat alone when a boy had come up to me.

I knew him as the "freak" so I didn't really know him at all. He was a senior but he was 19 so not really a scholar. He sat down next to me "What are you doing?" He asked me. I assumed this was a prank or dare or something so I responded in the most condescending voice I could "what do you think I'm doing dumbass?". He pretended to be offended. "Do you want to come sit with me and my friends?" He said sounding genuine. I looked at him confused but still got up from my seat and walked over to their table. Lunch was fun that day. Eddie Munson was the boys name. He was cute too. Stupid but cute.

I had to get a ride home with Joyce and Will when she had picked him up from school. While I was walking to the middle school I saw some random bitch get into Billy's car so I stood there and waited for him to see me but even when he did, he didn't even care. He got in his car and pretended like I wasn't there. Like I had never been there. I started to walk again when a car slowly drove up to me following me as I went toward the school.

Steve fucking Harrington.

"Where are you going" Steve said trying to get my attention. "To my house" I said still looking straight ahead, I knew I was lying but he didn't. "You shouldn't walk that far, it's not safe" he said. "Why would you even care" I said still not facing him, "Get in the car" he said sternly still barely pressing the gas following me. "I thought you didn't want me in your car" I said to him condescendingly. He rolled his eyes.

"God damn it Izzy, get in the car" he said now stopping the car.

"Fuck you" I said to him as he got out of his car that was now just sitting in the middle of the road and grabbed my hand bringing me to the passengers seat. He opened the door for me and we were off to the Byers house.

After riding in his car for at least 10 minutes in complete silence, Steve finally spoke. "Do you know where Jonathan is?" Before I could answer he added to his question, "is he with Nancy?". "I don't know" I said annoyed that she was all he cared about. They broke up and he is still obsessed with her.

"Why do you even care about her? You broke up get over it" I said turning to him now almost standing in my seat. 

I admit, it was mean but he needs to move on now or he never will. I'm just trying to help him out.

"I am over it and we aren't over we are just" he paused and looked over at me staring at him waiting for the end to his sentence. "Taking a break" he said now looking back at the road but I was still staring at him. I rolled my eyes and slumped back into my seat.

We finally pulled up to Joyce's house and I got out of the car. Joyce's car was no where to be found but strangely my dads was. I didn't think much of it I just thought her and Will went to an emergency appointment and my dad wanted to go or something like that.

An hour after I had gotten home and still no one was home but there was a ringing at the phone in the kitchen. "Hello this is the By-" before I could finish my sentence a very eager woman was talking to me on the phone. "Oh, Issabelle is that you, this is perfect. This is-" I cut her off knowing exactly who it was. "Mrs. Henderson?" I asked the woman on the phone.

I had babysat Claudia Henderson son, Dustin Henderson, before and he is not the nicest boy but I still love him like he's my brother.

"Hi darling, I was just wondering if you could come over very quickly and watch Dustin for the time being because I need to look for my baby mews. He's missing right now and I'm just worried sick. I was also calling to see if you've seen him anywhere?" The woman is so talkative it's hard to keep track of the things she says sometimes.

"I would love to come and watch Dustin Mrs. Henderson bu-" before I could finish my sentence the eager women spoke "thank you so much sweetie, see you soon" I needed to find a ride or find the keys to my dads car and thankfully he can't hide things very well.

I got the keys out of his sock drawer and turned the car on. I rode to the Henderson house.

When I got there he was obviously alone because his moms car was gone. I rang the door bell and received a panicked Dustin at the door holding it open by a crack refusing to let me in.

"Dustin what the fuck let me in?" I said aggravatedly pushing the door. "I can't" Dustin said looking back, giving me an opening to push the door and get inside.

"Dustin what the hell is wrong with you?"I said to him not actually asking him a question.

I heard a wet eating sound that was honestly disturbing coming from his room. So I opened up the door only to find a bloody trail that went all the way behind the chair in his room. I slowly walked toward it expecting the worst. But what I got was even worse than the worst.

"Is that..your cat?"

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