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"Erica, do you copy?" Robin said into the walkie talkie from the roof of the mall. We waited till it was dark. I was wondering Erica's parents were worried but I'm sure she had a reasonable excuse to use. "Yeah, I copy. You nerds ready?" I heard from the walkie talkie. "Yep" Robin said into the walkie. "Commence operation child endangerment" she said. I grabbed the walkie and talked into it. "Can we not call it that?" I said. "Whatever you say, nerds" she said before silence.

After a little bit of waiting we heard Erica from the walkie. "I'm here, I see those boring boxes your all so excited about" she said. "Any guards" Robin asked. "Negative" Erica replied. "Booby traps?" I asked into the walkie. "If I could see them they'd be pretty shitty traps. Wouldn't they?" She said. "Thank you for that" I said. We heard a loud bang before what sounded like loud steel doors opening.

Erica. The doors to the storage room were wide open while she stood there at the enterance of the room. "Free ice cream for life" she said as we all ran toward her into the room.

I looked around the room while Steve tore open one of the brown cardboard boxes with a pocket knife that was in Dustin backpack. As he opened it there was a smaller metal box inside. As Steve unlatched the four latches holding it tightly shut he grabbed the handle. "Stand back" he said to all of us. We all moved backs step except for Dustin. "Dustin what the hell come on" I said grabbing his shoulder before he shrugged me off.

He looked to Steve and spoke "No, you die I die" he said. Steve just nodded his head the same way he did last year when we all spoke in the car on the way to some monster in Dustin's cellar.

Steve opened the box which gave a hissing sound of air releasing. There were four smaller handle looking things inside. He pulled one which gave the same hissing sound as the first one.

A green liquid was inside the jar. Steve held it up to his face and showed the rest of us. That was before the room started to shake. It was abrupt so we all got scared. "You guys felt that too" Dustin said before it happened again not stopping this time. "Just grab what you can" Robin said shoving the green jar inside Erica's backpack.

The door shut which caused a second door to follow it. Dustin ran over to the control panel. He started to hit the big blue open door button on the panel. "Erica, what button is it?" Dustin asked while yelling. "Just hit the button, nerd" Erica yelled to him. "I'm hitting the button. Me and Robin were silently freaking out while Dustin, Steve, and Erica were all trying to open the door. Before we knew it the room started to fall.

"THE ROOM IS FUCKING FALLING" I screamed while stumbling around the room trying to find something to hold on to. Before I could grab the wall I felt someone grab me and hold on tight. It was Dustin. He was hugging me. I held on to him while we fell while also holding onto a shelf. Robin was in the same shelf just beside me. Steve and Erica were on a different shelf.

We fell for what felt like forever. We all screamed begging that it would stop. Until finally it did. We all stopped screaming and it was silence until we all heard a groan. It was Steve. "My groin" he groaned. Dustin was still holding onto me and I was still holding him. I wanted to protect him as much as I could. No matter what I was getting him home safe.

Dustin let go of me and walked over to Steve. He took the boxes off while I stayed at the shelf I was walking onto. I couldn't feel my body. I didn't feel like myself till all of a sudden I felt everything and suddenly, I threw up. "Ew" Erica said. "I'm so sorry" I said almost crying because of the situation. "It's fine" Steve said getting up. "Nothing we haven't dealt with before" he said smiling at me. I smiled back at the memory.

Last year I had completely drunkenly vomited on Steve and he took it like a fucking champ.

"So now we're stuck here?" Robin said. "We could climb out" Dustin said looking at the small door at the ceiling of the elevator. Steve and Dustin climbed up to the roof while the rest of us stayed in the elevator talking.

"So are you gonna like, clean that up or what?" Erica asked me. "Yeah, I got it" I said looking at my vomit just sitting beside it. The boys had come back after a couple of minutes. "So that's a bust" Steve said. "We should all get to sleep, you know?" I said to them. Dustin sat beside me and laid his head on the wall I was on. Erica slept next to Robin as they all fell asleep. Dustin's head had fallen onto my lap so I moved him to make it more comfortable.

Steve said across from me leaning on a different wall. "Your up?" He asked me. "Yep" I said looking at him. "You know, about last year, I don't think I ever actually apologized, so I'm sorry" he said now standing and walking toward me. "About what, playing me, or lying to me, or having sex with me then calling us friends, or calling me a mistake, or" before I could finish. He put his hand over my mouth and got closer to me. "Everything" he said almost whispering.

I looked at his lips before he took his hand off of mine. "Friends, remember?" I said causing him to back away from me. "Yeah" he said now sitting back down next to Robin where he was before. We started to talk about how we were going to get out before in the middle of our conversation I turn to him and he was dead asleep. I started to fall asleep and before I knew it I could hear everyone talking around me.

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