Hurt people, hurt people

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Steve stood up from the behind the counter first with me close behind him. I locked eyes with Eleven who was bloody with her arm still out. The others stood up from behind the counter as Eleven and the rest of the group came down from the second floor of the mall.

Dustin ran to El and hugged her. I stood with Robin while Steve ran over to see if Nancy and Jonathan were okay. She held me up with my arm around her neck and hers underneath it. My leg still hurt but so much has going on I barely felt it. Jonathan walked up to me and I tried to walk over to him but almost fell in the process. Thankfully he caught before he asked me what happened.

I pointed to the bloody bandana on my leg. He brought me over to everyone who were now all in a circle talking. "Oh my god, what happened?" Nancy asked me destressfully. "This Russian bitch stabbed me" I said before looked over to the car that had flown across the mall floors. "That one?" Nancy said while laughing. "El, you killed the wicked bitch of the west" I said while laughing and grabbing Els shoulder.

She hugged me tight and I returned it while putting my hand on her hair. Once she let go she went to stand next to Mike. Everyone started to talk about what had just happened and the others started to explain what had happened to them. "Wait, Billy Hargrove?" I asked Nancy after she had explained. "Yeah, he's flayed. like the main one. He tried to kill El at least 4 times" she said. It shocked me. I felt bad for him. I don't want him to die. Max would be defestated. She's been through so much. I have to protect her as much as I can. Even if it's from her brother. I looked at her and she looked at me then down.

There was a loud thud that came from behind her followed with a screaming sound causing us all to look. Eleven. We all ran to her as she pointed to her leg. I rolled up her pants leg and saw a bloody bandage. I took it off her leg as she screamed to see an infected wound that looked like something was moving inside of it. I almost threw up so I looked away. Jonathan looked at me before almost yelling. "Do you have knives and a stove at Auntie Anne's?" He asked me. I looked at him confused before nodding yes and he ran. "This one time while I was playing soccer this girl fell and broke her leg and the bone was sticking out" Robin spoke but before she could finish the story Steve looked at her. "Robin, your not helping".

He came back not even a minute later with a hot knife and gloves on. He looked at El and put a wooden spoon in her mouth. I got the hint so I grabbed her hand and spoke to her. "This is gonna hurt okay, squeeze my hand". She did. He started to cut open her wound while she screamed and squeezed my hand, digging her nails into my skin. I kept repeating affirmations to her. She stopped squeezing and the spoon fell out of her mouth. "I can do it" she said while Jonathan took his hand out of her leg.

She sat up straight and stuck her hand out. I supported her body in my lap as she started to scream pulling whatever was in her leg out. Glass broke as she screamed.

She continued to scream while she held the thing up in the air before throwing it. She fell back and her head sat on my thigh. "You did so good" I said while she breathed heavy. There was loud noise that came from the direction she had thrown it. Hopper and Joyce stood there.


I was sitting next to Hopper who had Eleven laying in his lap. I was sitting with my feet dangling from the turned off water fountains ledge. Steve was next to me and I had my head on his shoulder. We sat there while Dustin, Erica, Hopper, and a new man named Murray all talked about the plan. Steve cleared his throat and spoke to me causing me to lift up my head and face him.

"Are you okay?" He asked me pausing before the last part. "I already told you, I promise, I'm okay" I said smiling to him. "Did you here everything?" He asked me. I raised my eyebrows in comfusion. "The bathroom, did you hear everything?" He said again. I felt a wave of sadness rush over me but I hid it. "No, I think I was put cold or something" I say faking a smile and laugh. He laughed along before Robin came over and handed Steve a pair of keys with Erica and Dustin behind her.

We walked out to see a beautiful convertible with a license plate that said Todfather. "Todfather? Screw Todd, Steves your daddy now" Steve said laughing while we all looked at home confused and disgusted. "Did you just talk about yourself in the third person?" Robin asked laughing. "Did he just call himself daddy?" Erica asked me disgusted. I shrugged and got in the front seat in between Steve and Robin.

Erica and Dustin got in the back and Steve started driving. He drove fast and turned whenever Dustin told him to. "Turn left" Dustin said.

I looked to my left to find a wooden gate that led up a hill. "Theres no road?" Steve said confused. "Turn left" Dustin screamed before Steve took the hardest left ever at full capacity. We all fell to the right of us which left my head on Robins lap. I was quickly redirected to a swerving motion to the right which brought me forward.

I was brought up to see Steve starting to freak out with his hands gripping the steering wheel hard enough to turn his knuckles white. It reminded me of when Billy would get mad at me in the car and start to speed as fast as he could. Or when we had to take Max home and she was late. He was mad and started to speed. Ahead of us I saw Mike, Lucas, and Dustin.

I started to silently freak out and so did max. She started to beg Billy to slow down but he just got faster. Me and her both started to beg him. She tried to grab the wheel but he hit her hand away before she could reach. We were way to close for comfort. I grabbed the wheel while his arms her shoving max off. He hit me a lot after that.

I don't know if that was his breaking point or if he just stopped loving me. I like to believe he loves me or at least loved me. I hope he's okay. He's a good person just hurt. Hurt people, hurt people. My dad told me that just to justify my moms actions. I never believed it but I think I do now. Hurt people, hurt people.

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