Bullshit bitches

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Jonathan had finally gotten to the Wheelers at 5:30 which gave me an hour to get ready before Billy picked me up for Tinas party. I was going to be Marilyn Monroe in her famous white dress and red lipstick but Tina wanted to be Velma and Daphne from scooby doo and she's a hard person to argue with. She was Velma and I was Daphne. I wanted Billy to be Fred but he said it was stupid to do a couples costume anyway.

I checked the time and it was already 6:45 and Billy still hadn't shown up to pick me up so I called him. I dialed his house and what I assume was his step-mom answered. "This is the Hargrove house, who is this?" she said sounding much more friendly than Billy had described her. "Hi, this is Billy's girlfriend. I was just wondering where he was" I said trying to sound friendly even though all I could think about was how late I was going to be for Tina's party. "Oh, he said he was leaving to go to a party" she said sounding concerned "I'm so sorry sweetie" she added last minute. I stayed silent for a minute than thanked her before rushing off the phone.

No one else was in the Byers house because my dad and Joyce were working and Jonathan and Will were trick or treating. I called the only other person I knew was definitely going to be there. "Hi, this is Nancy"she said obviously in a hurry to most likely leave her house. "Hey Nance, it's Izzy, I was just wondering if you and Steve could pick me up for Tina's party?" I said quickly trying to not waste any more time than I already was. "Uh" Nancy paused "I thought Billy was taking you" she said to me. "I guess not" I said sounding disappointed. "Um yea, we can take you, see you in 10 minutes" she said before hanging up. I love Nancy Wheeler.

Steve's car pulled up to the Byers and he honked the horn as I walked out of the hosue. I pulled my purple 70s style dress down as it rode up my leg and the stockings started to itch. I got in the back seat and he turned around and looked me up and down gave Nancy a confused look and turned back around. I ignored him and barely even noticed when they were whisper arguing about having to pick me up. "So, where's Billy?" Steve asked me as Nancy slapped his arm. "I don't even know" I said looking out the window.

We finally arrived at Tina's packed house and she greeted me at the door while handing me a red solo cup. "Why didn't you come with Billy?" Tina asked me. I didn't want her to know I was having relationship problems because even though she was my best friend I knew she liked him. "Oh, I had to help Will get ready for Halloween so I told him to just go ahead and go without me" I said to her trying to hold up a smile. She was about to say something before she was interrupted by chanting outside. Me and Tina move through the house to the back yard before finding Billy on top of a keg having the time of his life as the new "keg king".

He walked past me and Tina while everyone chanted hit stupid name. "Looks like we have ourselves a new keg king, Harrington" I heard Tommy H say as he praised Billy. As Billy turned around he saw me walking away and followed me around to the punch bowl. "Hey,babe" he said grabbing my hand. I snatched it back and asked "where were you?" Before grabbing a cup of the punch and mixing in a little bit of Hennessy that was sitting in a bottle next to the punch on the counter. As I chugged the nasty solution that I had made in my cup he started to respond to me.

"Babe, I forgot okay I'm sorry" he said getting angry. I started to get myself another drink when he grabbed the drink out of my hand before I could drink from the cup. "What the fuck" I said trying to snatch it back. "What did you just say to me" Billy said grabbing my wrist and pulling me toward him. "I'm sorry" I said whispering to him scaredly. "You should be" he said drinking from my cup and putting it on the counter before Tommy H called him over. Billy left and I poured myself another drink as Nancy did the same thing standing next to me.

She chugged the drink that was in her hand as Steve spoke up "whoa Nance, take it easy". Nancy rolled her eyes "I thought we were just being stupid teenagers for the night, remember?" She snapped at him. "This looks like a personal issue" I said before pouring myself another drink and leaving the couple alone.

A couple of hours later and I was almost completely wasted. I was still dancing with my friends when I felt a hand grab my arm tight and drag me to the bathroom. "What the hell is wrong with you" Billy yelled at me before pushing me on to the wall with his hands gripped on my shoulders. "What are you talking about" I said slurring my words. "You're fucking wasted right now" he said digging his nails into my shoulders. "Billy let go" I said looking at him trying to shrug his shoulders off. "Fine" he said before slamming me into the sink.

He turned me back around and slapped me. "Your a fucking whore, Izzy" Billy said as he turned me back to the mirror and grabbed my hair making me look in the mirror. He threw me back at the sink and said "clean yourself up" before leaving the room. I started to cry and left the bathroom planning on leaving but had no ride. Just before leaving the bathroom I passed Nancy with red stained on her shirt and Steve walking closely behind her.

I was sitting outside waiting for my miracle to appear when it did. Steve stormed angrily out of the house and got into his car. I followed him and got in the passengers seat and didn't say anything. "Get out" he said opening the door for me to leave. "I don't have a ride home" I said in slurred words. He closed the door and started car in silence.

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