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After crying for what felt like hours I heard a knock on the door. I looked up only to find Hopper sitting down on the bed next to me. "Hey kid, are you alright?" He said simpathetically but already knowing the answer. "No" I said still sobbing. He pulled me into his chest and I sobbed while hugging him but it still wasn't enough.

I didn't want Hopper or Joyce or anyone. I wanted my dad. I wanted my dad to hug me and tell me everything would be fine. That I was okay. That he loved me. But he was dead and he would never say those words again. He would never say anything again.

"How did it happen?" I asked Hopper in between breaths. "What?" He asked me still holding me. I propped my head up and asked again. "Listen kid, those things" he said looking at me and pausing before continuing his sentence. "Those things got to him" he said to me trying to not make me cry anymore but he failed. He held me tight as I cried into his arms with one hand around me necklace my dad had gotten me for my 11th birthday and the other around Hopper.

After crying for what felt like hours. I finally stood up and walked to the kitchen where everyone sat talking about some plan. Hopper went into Joyce's room to most likely console her and I sat down at the kitchen table. They started to discuss a plan when Hopper came back. I wasn't listening until I heard a familiar comforting voice. "I want to kill it" I heard Joyce say to everyone in the kitchen.

After discussing the plan more we were all given jobs. I went with Steve and Nancy to go seal up the walls with tarps. "What you did for the kids today, that was really cool" I heard Nancy say to Steve. I didn't say anything just continued to staple the paper to wall with the staple gun Hopper had given me. "Yeah, those shits are a real trouble, you know" Steve responded to her. Something about them talking made me mad. More mad than I already was considering the circumstance.

They continued to talk and I continued to staple the tarp to the wall getting more and more mad and getting closer and closer to Nancy hand. I didn't want to hurt her so I forced myself to stop. I jabbed the staple gun into the wall close to Nancy hand. Way too close for comfort. They both seemed to notice it but before they could speak I left the shed and went into the house.

Eventually everyone met in the house and we all waited inside for someone to come back with news about Will. I sat on the couch while Steve swung his bat for "practice" in front of me, all most taking my eye out a view times. Suddenly Hopper bust through the door with paper, a pen, and a walkie talkie in his hands.

"I think he's talking, just not with words" he said while writing down what looked like Morse code. "What is this at?" Steve asked getting an immediate responds form everyone "Morse code". Once Hopper had finished writing down the Morse code we all said what it spelt out "here" we all said in unison. "Wills still in there, he's talking to us" Hopper said to all of us.

Once Hopper had left the room and went back to the shed we started to get Morse code sent to us from the walkie talkie.










"Close gate" we and said in unison reading out what was on the paper. Just as it was said the phone started to ring. First Dustin ran to it and picking it up before dropping it back down seconds later. The second time he did the same only I let out all of my pent up rage and ripped the phone off the wall slamming it to the ground.

"Do you think he heard that?" Max asked everyone. "It's just a phone, it could be anywhere. Right?" Steve responded. Soon after we heard a loud screeching in the distance. The monsters were coming. Will knew and so did they. Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan, and Mike ran into the house while Jonathan carried Will. Hopper ran out and came back carrying three guns. Shoving one toward Jonathan asking if he can use it I spoke up and grabbed the gun, "I can use it" I said to him. He handed the other to Nancy and we all got ready for what seemed like war.

Steve had his bat ready, me, Nancy, and Hopper had our guns, Lucas had his sling shot ready, and everyone else stood behind. Steve had some home shoved me behind him in an attempt to keep me safe.

We heard screeching coming from every direction and the group all turned to whatever spot in the hosue it came from. After the growls and screeches everything went silent before a window shattered and something flew into the room. It was a monster. Hopper slowly walked over to it. "Is it dead?" Max said while Hopper slowly turned it over with his gun. It was dead. What the hell killed that thing?

The door suddenly unlocked causing everyone to turn towards it and ready their weapons. The door slowly opened reveal someone. Some strange girl walked through the doors with her hair gelled back and her nose bleeding. She looked about Dustin's age and badass. "Eleven?" Mike said sounding like he was about to cry.

He then ran up and hugged her. "I never gave up on you, I called you every night for-" before could finish his sentence eleven did it for him. "353 days, I heard" she said also crying. Why didn't you tell me you were there?" Mike asked her but before she could respond Hopper did it for her. "Because I would t let her" he said cause if everyone including Mike to look at him. He walked up and hugged eleven before Mike shoved him. "You've been hiding her this whole time" he said cause Hopper to grab his hand. "Let's talk, alone" he said bringing Mike with him to a different room.

Dustin and Lucas walked up and hugged her while they started to talk Max decided to walk up and stick her hand out for eleven to shake. "Hey, um, I'm Max, I've heard a lot about you" she says but eleven shoves her off leaving max with her hand in the air. Max walks over to me. "It's okay she just doesn't know you. I know you two will be best friends. I promise" I whisper hold her shoulders with my hands.

Joyce and Eleven walk into the room Will is knocked out in causing everyone to follow them.

"And this gate? You've opened it before?" Joyce asks eleven to which the girl nods back. "And you can close it" Joyce says causing the girl to nod back to her once more.

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