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Izzy quickly picked up the walkie talkie speaking into it. "Nance, rob, can yall come here? Like now" she said. "What's wrong?" Robin asked into the walkie talkie. "Just be at the school, now" she said as she heard shuffling and Robin saying okay before the walkie talkie went silent.

Once the girls arrived at the school the group of people walked into the hallway as Max guided. She flash her flashlight standing next to Izzy.

"There, it was right there. It was so real" she said. "A grandfather clock?" Nancy asked for clarification. "Yes, and that's not even the worst part" Max said as she walked back to the room.

She handed Nancy the folders while explaining the different and similar symptoms. "And I just saw that god damn clock so". The girl paced around the room while biting her nails. The group watched and listened in silence. Lucas wanted to hold her and tell her everything was okay. He would never let anything happen. But that would make it worse. So much worse. The two locked eyes for a second before she broke the eye contact.

Silence grew in the room before Nancy spoke. "Okay so Iz you grab the folders and then we can all just go back to my house and figure it out there" she said as the group all filed out of the room. Izzy picked up the folders with Nancy.

Robin and Nancy rode in Nancy's car. Steve, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Izzy rode in Steve's car. Max stayed looking out the window of the backseat. Her headphones were tight around her head, scared to let in any outside noise. The ride was silent. A few glances from Lucas to Max, which only Izzy caught.

They all arrived to the wheelers house around the same time, going straight to the very familiar basement.

Nancy sat in a wooden chair as Izzy and Robin stood on either side of it. Steve paced the room while reading the papers. Lucas and Dustin sat on the couch as Steve spoke. Max sat at a desk facing the wall as she wrote and scribbled onto pieces of paper.

Nancy and Robin quickly move upstairs to Nancy's room to do something giving a very breif and unresolved explanation.

Steve paused his walking landing next to Izzy with his hand on his hip. "You guys understand any of this?" Steve asked to the other two boys who were reading the same newspaper. "No." Lucas responded confused. "Pretty straightforward" Dustin spoke.

Steve looked up at the boy and spoke sarcastically, "oh really?". "I mean what is confusing to you?" Dustin asked.

"So far everyone Vecna has cursed died, except for this old Victor Creel dude Nancy found. He's the only known survivor. If anyone knows how to beat this curse, its him" Dustin explained. "Well that's assuming that he was cursed" Izzy says. "Which we don't even know. I mean, how did Vecna even exist back in the 50s" Steve added. "Eleven didn't create the upside down, she opened a gate to it. The upside down had probably been around for thousands of years. Millions" Dustin said.

He added, "I wouldn't be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs". Steve quickly furrowed his brows looking to Dustin confused. "Dinosaurs?" He asked shaking his head and moving his arms.

Lucas chimed in between the two boys arguments. "But if a gate didn't exist in the 50s how did Vecna get through?" Lucas asked. "And how's he getting through now?" Izzy asked. "And why now?" Lucas added. "And why then? He just pops up in the 50s, kills one family, he like "I'm good" and poof he just disappears. Just..gone? Just to come back later to kill some random teens. I don't buy it" Steve says.

He turns to Dustin and speaks. "Straightforward my ass". He looks to Izzy and speaks. "You know, you should really get to humiliating him once and a while, he needs it".

"Sorry" Dustin says as Steve plops down in the seat.

They all look to Max, who is still writing. "What do you think she's writing?" Dustin asks. "I don't know" Lucas responds. "Did she sleep?" Lucas asks. "Would you?" Izzy retaliates. The conversation is cut short by the loud door opening and Nancy and Robins quick footsteps, followed by the slam of paper in the wooden table. "We have a plan"

Nancy and Eobin sit quickly as they explain their plan to get into the asylum and speak to Victor Creel. "Wait, where's mine?" Steve asks.

"You are out of your mind if you think I'm babysitting again" Steve says as the four young adults walk into Nancy's room. "They aren't babies anymore and Max is in real danger. Besides your not alone, Izzy's with you." Nancy says "but why is it always me and her" Steve says back as Robin and Izzy busy through the door.

Robin rambles about Nancy's decor but Izzy thinks about what she just heard Steve say. "Why me and her". The words replay in her head as he complains. Nancy pulls out a dress but Izzy is busy in her thoughts.

She helps Robin into her uncomfortable dress and she complains. "I can't believe I'm doing this" Robin says. "At least your wanted there" Izzy says. Tying the ribbon around Robins neck. She turns the girl to face Nancy's bathroom mirror. "You're very much academic scholar" Izzy says with a smile. "I'm gonna slam my head into a bookshelf" Robin says making Izzy laugh. The same laugh Robin has missed for at least a year. The same laugh she heard Steve complain about missing while he never once thought about her and Izzy. Robin smiles as the girls look at each other in the mirror and for only a second they see the same girls they used to be over the summer.

Izzy knocks herself out of the trance of Robin and her and speaks. "You and Nancy's are good friends now, huh?" She says. "Yeah, I mean, I think we're friends now" she says with a slight smile. "Well, I think yall are going" she says opening the bathroom door. "Yeah" Robin says as she walks out into the hallway and Izzy walks down to the basement.

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