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Patrick wanted to get Izzy drunk and in bed while Izzy didn't even want to drink. She barely even wanted to show up. "Hey ladies, come inside, have a drink" Jason said with Patrick beside him talking to the two girls. Izzy took a drink from Patrick's hand and started to walk around his house.

Patrick's house was small and didn't have much to do. A lot of memories in the house. Bad ones mainly. Patrick's dad was a violent person and because of that Patrick always had to cover up bruises and clean up glass without getting cut.

Izzy walked around before turning around to find Patrick behind her. He grabbed her hand and they started to dance. Izzy started to drink and Patrick thought he would get lucky. Maybe have a girlfriend for basketball season.

After a couple of rounds Chrissy was shitfaced. Izzy prided herself on her self control but she had taken a few drinks. Not drunk but definitely not sober.

Izzy talked with Patrick who was trying to get her to take another drink before she was dragged by her arm and slammed into a wall. "Nessa, what the fuck get off of me" Izzy said straight faced with the angry girl. Before she knew it Nessa started to punch her. She was wasted and angry. "Stay the fuck away from my fucking man, you whore" Nessa said slurring her words still hitting her.

Izzy took the first two hits like a champ before Patrick and Jason ran over to get her off. Patrick grabbed Izzy while Jason shoved Nessa into a corner. "Are you okay?" Patrick said taking Izzy's arms to bring her up to him and off the floor. "Yeah, I just wanna go home" Izzy said before leaving Patrick and treeing to find Chrissy.

"Chris, let's go. I wanna go home" she said holding back tears as Chrissy stood in the corner still drinking from her plastic red cup. "Oh my god Iz, just leave then" Chris said trying to walk away but Izzy wasn't leaving her friend. Not in the condition she's in. "Fuck no Chris, let's go" she said slowly still holding back tears. Chrissy stomped her feet childly before walking out the door with Izzy.

Izzy put Chrissy in the car with the help of Jason. "Your a good friend" he said before shutting the door. "Yeah, I guess" Izzy said starting to walk away from him. "I would never drive her home, not with her like this" he said causing Izzy to turn around. "You know why Nessa did what she did?" He asked her and she responded by shaking her head no, scared the tears would flow out of her eyes.

"She likes Patrick. They kissed once in the ninth grade and she's been obsessed ever since. Do you like Patrick?" She said to her getting a lot closer than before. "No" she said after thinking a little bit. He continued to get closer until they were almost touching. "You know, a lot of cheerleaders date football players" he said looking at her lips. "Yeah" she responded before he smashed her lips into hers.

The kiss lasted not even three seconds before Izzy realized Chris was in her car. Probably watching. She pulled away from him and she looked in the windshield. Passed out. She turned back to Jason and saw him looking at his girlfriend. "I gotta go, please don't tell anyone about that" she said running toward the drivers side of the car and opening the door. "I won't, Izzy" he said before she threw him a thumbs up and started to drive back to her house.

The drive felt like hours of silence. Chris was passed out drunk, not a thing would wake her up. This silence was for Izzy. Her tears fell the second she left the driveway. She took the long way home so she could stop by the video store. She just wanted to see what they were doing. She pulled into the empty parking lot, only with one car. Steve's.

She slammed the door before grabbing day of the dead. It's not like they were going to watch it. She walked to the front doors and pulled herself together before opening them. Robin was at the front desk, as usual, and Steve was sitting on the red chairs waiting for the shift to be over.


"Holy shit" Robin said while looking out the window, seeing the car pull up. "What?" Steve said unenthusiasticly. "It's Izzy" she said causing Steve to pop his head up. He saw the drivers door open and saw her in a black mini skirt and leather jacket as she started to walk up to the door. Steve laid down and started to act like he didn't care that she was there. Robin laughed as the door opened. Robin was met with Izzy's red stained lips and smudged makeup.

"What can I help you with?" Robin asked her as Izzy put the movie on the front desk. "I'd like to return this" she said looking around the building and pulling her skirt down. "You just bought it? Have you even watched it?" Steve asked getting up from his chair. Izzy was about to answer before he asked her another question. "We're you at a party?" He asked her looking at her outfit then her face. "Yeah, what about it?" She asked him.

"I don't know you just never seemed that into party's" he said looking at her confused and almost insulted. "Well I am now, okay?" She asked him insulted as well. "Okay" he said looking at her. "Okay" she looked back athim and they locked eyes. The eye contact held for a little bit before Robin spoke. "So who's in your car?". "Chrissy, why?" Izzy responded looking to her car to find Chrissy climbing out of the window.

She jumped up before running to the glass door. Before she opened it she looked to Robin. "Thanks, Rob" she said before opening the door and sprinting back to her car.

They both watched in silence as she pushed the teenage girl back in the car. "Rob?" He said to Robin. "I guess so" she said back to him before he turned around and walked back to his seat. She sat on the front desk and Steve started to talk about his date. It was bad as usual.

Steve would never admit it but deep in his heart he wish it would have been him. Not Robin. "Stevie". That's what she used to call him before everything happened. Now it was "Chris" and "Rob". Deep down he missed Stevie and who he used to be. Who he was with her.

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