Too cliché

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Dustin looked to his sister and Steve as all three of them walked out of the boat house. He walked to his sister as they approached the car. Steve stood facing her, behind Dustin. "Be safe, please" she said to him as he chuckled. "I'm always safe, Izzy" he said as he wrapped his arms around her torso, squeezing her tightly. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she rested her head on his shoulder. One arm reached up to play with his hair as she whispers to him. "I love you, if anything happens you know where to find me" she said to him. He pulled away from her. "I love you more" he smiled to her before she looked to Steve.

Dustin backed away, looking at Steve. "Dustin, go to the car" she said to the boy and he did. Rain hit the girls hair as Steve walked up to her. "Come with us" he said. She stared at his brown eyes with a blank but somehow angry face.

Steve spoke again in a lower voice, "I just want to make sure that your safe because" he paused before catching breath again and speaking, "I just, I-" he was cut off by Izzy's quick speaking. "You what? You love me?" She asked him. He looked to her with a confused face. "Izzy" he said before she responded quickly. "I'm not letting you do this to me again, Steve" she said. He looked at her confused, "do what again?" He asked her.

She looked away toward the road, holding her tears and her anger back. "I'm not letting you make me love you again just so you can take it back. I'm done, im happy" she said. He looked at her with a saddened face as he attempted to form his words. "Izzy, I just wanna talk to you" he said as he attempted to place his hands over her folded arms. "Don't fucking touch me" she said as she stuck her arms by her sides.

He looked at her with anger in his face. "Did this mean anything to you? did I mean anything to you?" He asked her filled with anger. "What is this? This is nothing. We are nothing, Steve" she yelled to him. He yelled back to her, "then why did you kiss me?". Silenced filled her ears as she yelled back to him. "I loved you, I wanted everything for you. I wanted to be the one thing you could understand and trust and actually fucking love but I'm not and I never will be" she said. "So what? You cheat on your boyfriend with me and then we're just nothing?" He yelled to her.

A few tears fall from her eyes as she speaks in a loud, breaking voice. "We are toxic. We're horrible for each other and you know that, everyone does." He looked at her with sadness as she wiped her face. "I'm done being a second option for you. I just want you to understand that you hurt me." Steve looked at her with a confused. "But you don't" she said with a sigh. "Help me understand" Steve said attempting to take her hand. She pulled it back to her. "I'm done trying to help you"

She took a deep breath before continuing. "I don't want to be something you can fall back on when Nancy doesn't want you anymore or you can't find anyone to give you enough attention." Her mascara begins to run as she wipes her face every few words. Steve quickly retaliates, "don't make this about Nance" he says to her in an annoyed tone, rolling his eyes. "Steve, it is about her. You loved her and that's okay, I don't care about it. But you can't switch between me and her like always. You either chose me or im done" she said.

He goes silent as they stare at each other. The only thing breaking the silence is the rain hitting the wet, muddy ground. He turns around not saying another word to her. Walking back to his car he turns back to her. She cries, staring at him as he stares back. He turns back, opening the door to the drivers side. As he shuts it Izzy watches the car reverse. She watches Steve and Dustin drive away.

She stands for a seconds, allowing herself to cry. Tears fall down her face as she pushes her wet hair out of her face.

She walks back to the boat house to find Eddie in the corner, where he's been the whole time. "Hey" he says to her as she walks in. "Hey, hey, are you okay?" He asked her getting up from his seat on the hard wooden ground. She begins to ugly sob as he wraps his arms around her. She cries into his shoulder.

She cries herself to sleep as Eddie leaves her with a small blanket and a jacket as a pillow.


Izzy dreamed of a memory. She lays in her bed, her white sheets bunched up at the bottom with a boy next to her. Her boyfriend. Steve. "What do you want?" He asks her. "In the future. What do you want?" She flips from laying on her back as she lays her chin on her pillow. She pretends to think for a second as a bright smile appears on her face. The smile that only comes when she's with him. "I want a two story house with a white picket fence, like the Cashwell's have. I want a big blonde dog that can run around my garden. Oh, I want a garden in the back" she added making Steve laugh.

"Filled with what?" He asked her. "Daisies. I would say roses but that's too cliché" she said. "I want three kids, two girls and one boy." She looked to him with her happy face. "What do you want?" She asked him with a small smile. He looked to her and smiled, "anything you want, baby" he said to her making her smile. She quickly kissed him before it all faded away in water droplets.

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