Pretty girl

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Mild mention of Sa

We were all hiding behind an air conditioner, I saw in between Steve and Robin with the kids behind Robin. I was worried about Dustin but he was with Robin so it was fine. We heard one of the cars rush by us before getting out of our hiding spot.

We started to walk now before Steve stopped and rushed us behind a big box before turning to me. I looked behind him and saw what looked like about a hundred guards and scientist walking around a big laboratory. I turned back to him while Dustin spoke, "red dawn" he said before Erica inturrupted, "I saw it". I looked at her confused and she clarified "the comms room, first floor northwest". "Are you sure?" Dustin asked. "Positive, the door was open for a second and I saw a bunch of lights and shit" she said before Dustin rolled his eyes and spoke, "that could be a hundred different things".

Robin looked at me and started speaking, "I'll take those odds", and with that we were off.

We stayed close and low to the ground on our way to the room. Pushed Erica, Dustin, and Robin infront of me before going in after and Steve shut the door. I stayed still and so did everyone else once we realized that we were met with a Russian. Robin started saying something in Russian. The code. She's so smart. It obviously wasn't working so I got ready to run. Before I knew it Steve was fighting a Russian.

We all just watched while Steve fought until he finally hit the Russian over the head with some metal object. He fixed hut hair before looking at all of our shocked faces. He looked good but that's not important. "Dude, you won a fight" Dustin said laughing and going to get the guards walkie and key card. I ran up to Steve to see if he was alright and Erica started to argue with Dustin.

"Are you okay?" I said checking his body. "Yeah, I'm fine, are you?" He asked stuttering over the last part. "Considering everything I think I'm okay" I said laughing and looking at him. "This was badass" I said while he looked down. My eyes stayed fixated on him. "You think so?" He said. "Fuck yeah I do, I thought we were all done for" I said laughing with my hands still on his shoulders from checking his body.

He looked at me and spoke "I would never let someone hurt you" he said. The words hit me hard enough to knock me out of trance and make me move my hands. We looked at each other for a second before Robin came running down stairs that she had found and speaking, "guys, there's something up there".

We all followed her up the stairs and were met with a room eliminated by blue light. I looked in and saw scientist and a machine opening something. The gate. We all walked down the stairs and Robin spoke. "I don't understand, you've seen this before?" She asked us. "Not exactly" Dustin said. "Then what?" She said. We finally made it down the stairs as Dustin explained how bad it was to her and me and Erica looked around the room. "Um, Steve, where's your Russian friend?" Erica said before we all heard a loud alarm causing Steve to open the door only to see a bunch of guards running toward us.

He slammed the door and we all ran up the stairs and into the blue room. We heard people behind us but we all kept running. We ran down more stairs and into a different room that looked a storage room. Dustin and Erica went inside a vent inside the room while me and Steve held the door. "Robin!" I screamed begging for her help. "Come on" Dustin said to us. "Go" I said with the Russian almost in the room. "Guys" Dustin said before we all screamed "go" right before all of the Russians ran in the room causing us all to fall. Thankfully by then Dustin was gone in the vent. I want him to be safe. Please let him be safe.

I put my hands up just like Steve and Robin did at the Russians guns. One of them grabbed my hair causing me to hit him. He slapped me then grabbed my arm and dragged me down a long hallway into a room. "Where the fuck am I?" I screamed to him as he just shut the door and left me alone. I ran to the door and tried to open it but I was very unsuccessful. I sat on the floor and started to cry. Not sobbing. Just crying.

The door handle wiggled and it opened. I got up and started to run toward the door before I was met with what felt like metal hitting my face. I was knocked out cold.


I woke up in a cold metal chair with three people around me. Two men and one woman. The man was infront of me sitting down. The other was standing beside me next to the woman. The man smiled as I woke up. He got up and the woman sat. "Why are you here?" she said in a thick Russian accent. I didn't respond. She hit me across the face and pulled my hair to bring my face back to meet hers. "Who do you work for?" She said. "The mall, dumbass, you think I wear this shit for kicks" I said back. She pulled hair harder before letting me go. She left the room leaving me with the two men.

"Where are my friends?" I said while the man sat down infront of me. He ignored my question and started to speak in an even thicker accent. "Your pretty, very pretty girl" he said while holding my face while one hand his other was on my knee. "I don't want to mess it up, pretty girl" he said sliding his hand up my leg in my skirt. I moved my knee as much as I could making his hand get tighter on my leg.

His nails tug into my skin and tears started to fill my eyes. I was not letting him see me cry. I bit the inside of my cheek and he stopped. He moved his hand form my knee but kept his hand on my face. "Don't worry your pretty head, your boyfriends fine" he said laughing. I said nothing still scared of what would happen if I did. His hand traveled from my face to my neck then to my chest. I spit in his face before speaking, "fuck you" I said he moved his hand and slapped me.

He looked at the other man and moved his head causing the man to move infront of me. The first man left the room after saying something to me. "Sorry, pretty girl".

After he left the other man started to hit me until I couldn't feel it.

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