Lonely boy

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The car ride was silent besides Max's music playing loudly in her ears. If anything were to try and get her she was ready. Max stared out the window as Izzy stared at her through the rear view mirror.

"Iz" Steve said to Izzy catching her attention. She looked at him in a way that made him nervous to talk. He looked forward again before speaking. "You good?" He asked. She nodded her head and looked forward. He twisted his head to look at her. He examined her side profile before looking back to the road.


Once the car pulled up to the wheelers house Lucas gets out of the car immediately. He holds the car door open for Max who gets out staring at him the whole time, not saying a word.

She walks to Izzy who puts her arm over the girls shoulders as they walk into the house.

The group make their way to the basement, where Robin and Nancy are already waiting. "Finally" Nancy said as soon as the door opened. Once she saw Max she walked to her. "Are you okay? What happened?" Nancy asked pulling the girl into a tight hug. She lightly held her by her shoulders as Max explained what happened.

Robin walked to Steve as Dustin, Lucas, and Izzy all stood near the others. "Okay, so what happened at the hospital?" Steve asked. "Asylum" Nancy corrected looking over to him and walking to the kitchen table as everyone followed. "Asylum, whatever" he said. Nancy stood as everyone else sat on the couch's and chairs around the table.

Dustin sat between Lucas and Steve as Robin stood beside the couch. Max sat in the recliner and Izzy leaned against the side of it.

Nancy began to explain everything that happened at the asylum. "So music has some sort of connection with the upside down and Vecna. It's the only thing Henry Creel could remember." She said. Izzy quickly interrupted, "what do you mean remember?" She asked.

"Well, him and his family had dinner one night and Vecna just killed them. He said it broke their bones and sucked out their eyes. It started with his wife, then daughter, and finally his son." Nancy explained the story, the rest of the group stayed silent. The silenced stayed till the walkie talkie went off. "Hey guys" Eddie's voice echoed as Dustin pulled the walkie talkie out of his bag.

He pulled up the metal stick out of the walkie talkie before speaking into it. "Hey man, what's up?" He said before Eddie quickly responded. "When are you guys coming back. It's quiet and I feel like I'm going crazy or something. The neighbors might have seen me but I don't know" he said. "Yeah, um, we can swing by right now. Someone can stay there with you, make sure you're good" he said. Steve groaned in annoyance. "Yeah man, okay" Eddie said before Dustin but the walkie talkie down. "So, who's staying with him?" Dustin asked the group. It got quiet until Izzy spoke up. "I'll stay, I'm trying to get the hell away from whatever psycho, Vecna shit is in the Creel house" she said.

Steve moved his head to face her with a confused face. "We need you here, for Max" he said. Max spoke quickly "I can handle myself". The silence was loud before Dustin stood up. His cargo pants crinkled. "Well then let's go" he said.

Izzy, Steve, and Dustin all got into Steve's car. Izzy in the passenger seat, Steve driving, and Dustin in the back.

Steve starts the car and begins to drive. The car ride is silent till Dustin speaks. "Last time we were like this neither of you knew what the hell you were getting into" Dustin said. Izzy turned in her seat to face him. She said nothing as they just looked at each other. "I'm happy you're both still here" he said quietly. Izzy smiled to him before speaking, "me too". Steve looked at her as she smiled. A smile snuck onto his face before he looked back to the road.

The rest of the ride was a comfortable silence and heavy ran splashing against the car.

A few glances exchanged between Izzy and Steve. They both didn't plan on telling Dustin about their kiss. At least not till all of this is over.

The car rumbled as it pulled into the rocky driveway. Izzy quickly got out of the car as Dustin followed. Steve turned off the car and got out of it.

Rain hit the teens hard as they all ran down the steep, gravel hill down to the boat house.

Izzy opened the door with the other two closely behind her. Eddie sprung up from sitting in the corner as they all stood at the door way. Eddie walked up as Dustin pushed past Izzy and gave his friend a hug.

Steve stood closely behind Izzy as she went up and hugged Eddie. Steve and Eddie looked at each other before Eddie poked his fist toward Steve. Steve lifted his arm for a fist bump before Eddie walked away and Dustin began to speak. "Izzy's gonna stay. You know if you need anything you need to tell us" Dustin said as Eddie nodded. He was now leaning against the wall. "Yeah man, I got it" he said back. Steve rolled his eyes before leaning into Izzy's ear. "I can't believe you're doing this" he said. She quickly turned to face him. "It's my decision" she said as she looked back to Eddie and Dustin still talking. "What if we need you" Steve said again causing her to turn back around to him. "Then you'll call for me" she said.

"I want to stay" she said to him. "You wanna stay with a freak?" He asked her quietly. "Don't call him that and you don't even get to say anything since you're stuck up Nancy's ass" she said rolling her eyes.

Dustin turned to them as he started to walk. "Steve, you ready?" He asked. "Yeah" he said as Dustin walked out. Steve looked to Izzy and spoke under his breath. "Come with us". "Fuck you" she said back to him.

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