Body in the trailer

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"So what was that about" Dustin said after waving to the boy his sister was just talking to. The 18 yearold looked to her brother before rolling her eyes. "Get in the fucking car" she said unlocking the doors.

Erica got in the back seat and Dustin got in the passenger. Izzy got out of the almost completely empty parking lot waving to the few people she passed.

She thought about what Chrissy was doing and if she should call her once she got home. The silence in the car was comfortable as both of the pre teens slept. Izzy looking in her rear view mirror after seeing Dustin sound asleep. She saw Erica laying down on the seats passed out. She lowered the volume of her old queen tape her dad had given her for her 13th birthday.


Once she had arrived at the Sinclair residence she pulled slowly into the drive way and opened the drivers side door.

The cold wind but her face causing her to shiver. She stepped out of the car attempting to be quiet. She opened the back seats left side door and shook Erica's shoulders. "Hey, wake up. We're at your house" she said to a groggy Erica. Erica didn't say anything. She got out of the car and walked up to her front door.

Once she had unlocked it she turned around back to the car to find Izzy staring into the back of her head. She sarcastically smiled and waved before dropping it abruptly and walking into the house before Izzy got a chance to return it.

Izzy backed out of the driveway and drove to her house.

She sped down the roads praying no one was in the road. She checked the clock seeing the time, "12:53". Curfew for both of them was 1 am. She passed stop signs with no pause hoping for no accidents. Dustin was still completely passed out.

She pulled into the driveway at 12:58. She shook Dustin's shoulders. He quickly woke up and got out of the car.

They both walked into the house as quiet as possible. Dustin tiredly walked to his room before immediately falling on the bed and going to sleep. Izzy sat on her bed, taking off her dirty off white cheer shoes. She quickly plopped down in her bed with a million thoughts of that night racing through her head. She stared at the ceiling while they all danced around. She felt a terrible feeling like something terrible had happened until she finally drifted off to sleep.


Ever since the mall had shut down Izzy had gotten two jobs. One at the grocery store and the other at a book store. Saturday she woke up and got ready to work at the book store right across from her ex boyfriends video store.

She put on her brown skirt , white long sleeve, white leg warmers, boots, and a brown leather jacket Steve had given her for their 2 month anniversary. She went to bathroom and straightened her hair. She put a white headband on, said by to Dustin, and left the house with her small black bag.

Once she got in the car the radio played Stevie Wonder. She started to drive.

Once she got to the book store she unlocked the front door and heard the bell above her jingle.

Steve stocked the shelves of the video store as he listened to Robin tell him about Vicky. He wanted to keep the thing between him and Izzy a secret because he didn't want Robin to freak out over it.

"I mean I wish we could just combine" Robin said to him as she leaves against the wall. He joined beside her before giving a confused face at the statement. "What?" He said.

She got up from leaning and started to walk around. "I mean think about it, I know exactly what I want I just can't do through with it and you go one a million dates and you still don't know what you want" she said walking to the remote sitting on the counter top.

Steve looked out the glass window of the door to the video shop to see Izzy checking out an old woman at the book store. He stared at her for what felt like hours thinking of what could have been when suddenly the girl turned to face him. As their eyes met she shot him a wave before getting back to work helping another old couple at the front desk.

As Robin turned on the tv they clipped to a news broadcast of a teenage girl found in a trailer park brutally murdered.

As soon as the tv turned on Dustin and Max bust through the door asking how many phones they have in the store. "3, 4 if you count Keith's in the back" Robin said as Dustin threw his backpack over the front counter knocking over many tapes and recordings. "Dude" Steve said before Robin went on to yell at the kids.

They heard a bell causing everyone to turn to the front door. Izzy walked though the door with a purpose before Steve spoke to her. "What are you doing in here?" He asked.

She ignore him walking toward her brother and max. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "We need to tell you something. All of you" Max said looking toward the group of older teens.

Izzy shifted uncomfortably behind the only one had not seen the news she was scared of what it could have been. She stood in front of Steve and Robin waiting for Max to explain as Dustin started to look up something on the computers in the Video store.

After Max explained how they knew it was Chrissy and they needed to find Eddie Izzy said in silence next to Steve on the chairs beside the entrance of the store. "Are you okay? I know she was like your bestfriend" he said. She stared at a spot on the floor before looking back at him with teary eyes. "It's fine" she said with a small smile.

He stared at her before bringing her into a big hug. They stayed there for a few seconds before pulling away at the sound of Dustin calling them over.

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