Movies and Mason

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I was finally on a break and went straight to the scoops ahoy. Robin was working which didn't give me a lot of time to talk but I still did. I loved tot all to her. She was a great listener. She looked interested even if I was talking about the most boring thing ever but right now I was talking about the most interesting thing to me right now. Mason.

"I haven't seen him today but it's still pretty early right?" I asked her while sitting on the counter between the break room and the inside of the store kicking my feet and looking at my black converses. Robin pretended to look at her watch as she turned to me and just agreed with me before turning back and taking another costumers order. Suddenly the window swung open from the counter I was sitting on. I quickly turned around and so did Robin. It was Steve.

"Can you stop talking about poor Mason, please" he said sarcastically while I rolled my eyes. "You don't even know him" I said while leaning against the wall but still sitting on the counter. "I've seen him before" Steve said closing the window. "You have?" I said excitedly while hoping down from the counter and walking to the back where he was.

"Of course I've seen him, he comes here all the time" he said not looking at me just rummaging through his bag. "He's cute right?" I said not sitting in on of the chairs. "He's not" Steve said to me. "You don't even know anything about boys" I said rolling my eyes. Before he could respond we heard Robin yell out to us. "Dingus, your children are here", he opened the window and rolled his eyes only to see Mike, Will, Lucas, and Max waiting to see their movie. "That's new" Lucas said referring to me and Steve.

I had talked with Robin more about Mason and she told me about how her days been. She never talks about boys. She must just not have a crush on anyone. It's normal it just makes me feel so annoying. Suddenly, my pager went off which meant I had to go back to work. I said bye to her and told her I'd be back at 2. As I walked back I saw him. Mason. He was walking from the Gap. I raced to the store and out on that stupid hat which meant I was working apparently. Sure enough there he was. Standing in the line talking to one of his friends.

"What can I get for you" I said in a high pitched, sweet voice with a sweet little dainty smile. "Four pretzels" he said not even looking at me. "The name for the order?" I said hoping he'd look at me. I put on more makeup than usual in hopes he'd want to eat here today. "Mason?" I asked him. He finally looked at me then spoke "Yeah? How did you know that?" He asked me. "Oh, sorry, you just come here a lot so I recognized you" I said still smiling. His friends started to laugh and nudge his shoulders. "Oh yeah, that's cool" he said before continuing. "Can I get your number?" He asked me. I stood dumb founded for a second before writing it down and handing it to him. I was estatic. Mason asked for my number. Mason likes me.

I called out his name shortly after and as he grabbed it he winked at me causing my face to turn red. I worked till 2 then went on break before running to see Robin. I told her everything that happened. She clapped as I did a little prance and spin around the room before sitting down in front of her and eating the banana split we decided to split. "How's your day been?" I asked her. She just rolled her eyes and sat back. "Boring. Dingus over there has barely done anything" she said motioning to Steve who was just trying to flirt with as many girls as possible. Which he sucked at.

He turned to the window and Robin grabbed the board. The board is a white board that has two sides, "you suck" and "you rule". Me and Robin came up with it when Steve started flirting with all the girl that came over to the ice cream stand. He had 5 on the "you suck" side of the board and 0 on the "you rule" side. "You are 0 for six Popeye" Robin said holding up the board and adding a tally. "Yeah, I can see that" Steve said leaning on the counter. "You know that means you sick right" Robin continued. "Yeah, I can read too" he said. "Since when?" I responded causing Robin to laugh and Steve to roll his eyes.

Steve started talking about girls or his hair or something but I couldn't pay attention, all I could think about was Mason.

After work I drove Robin to her house and went to mine. My mom was sitting on the living room couch with Tews in her lap watching Carson. I went to my room after saying hi to her and sat by my phone waiting for Mason to call.

The phone rang and I waited two rings to answer it. I wasn't that desperate. "Hi, this is Izzy. Can I help you?" I said waiting for his responds. "Hey Izzy it's Mason. From the mall" I covered the phone and silently freaked out. "Oh, hey, what's up?" I asked him acting calm and cool. Me and Mason sat on the phone for a couple of minutes until he spoke. "Do you wanna go to the movies with me tomorrow night?" He asked me. "Of course" I replied instantly. So maybe I was a little bit desperate but so what. He started to say a couple of other things but then we both hung up and I went to sleep.

The dreams I had about Mason were....great.

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