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Steve walked out with the car keys in hand. Izzy stood beside the trunk of the car leaning on it with her butt in the air and a blunt in her mouth. She flicks her lighter attempting to light it, struggling because of the wind.

"The cashiers gone, put your ass away" Steve said running into her with the cart of groceries. "We still got beer, that's all that matters" she said finally lighting the blunt and stuffing the lighter in her pocket.

He looked her up and down before shoving the groceries in the trunk. "What?" She asked him with a confused and insulted look on her face. "Nothing" he said looking to her face before snatching the blunt out of her mouth, "that shits gonna kill you" he said is he threw it on the ground stomping on it. "You owe me 20 bucks, asshole" she groaned.

She rolled her eyes and snatched the keys from his hands before going to unlock the door to the car.

As she unlocked the door and sat down beside Dustin. "Whats wrong with you?" Robin asked as she turned to face Izzy. "Nothing" she said crossing her arms and slouching down.

Steve quickly got into the car, reversing it and leaving the parking lot.

Once they pulled up the house everyone grabbed a bag of groceries while Steve grabbed the 6 pack of beers.

Once Izzy grabbed a bag she quickly walked away from the group. "What the hell did you do, shit in her cereal or something?" Robin asked Steve in a taunting way before shutting the trunk. "Nah, she's just a bitch" he said as the two walked to the lake house.

Dustin knocked on the door before Steve opened it. As the door opened Eddie jumped.

The group all posed in front of the door with smiles and groceries before Izzy laughed at the boy. "You scared the shit out of me" he said as they all walked into the lake house.

Izzy handed him the grocery bag in her hand and Steve sat down the beer next to the boy. He quickly opened a bottle and a box of cereal, eating like it was his last meal. The group of kids stared at him as he devoured the food in front of him. "Ew, dude" Dustin said. As Eddie thought of a responds sirens could be heard as cops drove past the house.

Max quickly said "tarp" as Izzy and Robin threw the tarp over him. Eddie layed down as Dustin ran to the window watching the cops drive away.

"Your good" Dustin said as Eddie got up taking a chug from the beer bottle. "They aren't coming to get you" Max said looking out the window. "Where the hell are they going then?" Robin asked looking to the rest of the group.

The all quickly rushed out, leaving Eddie and racing to follow the cop cars. The car ride was silent and the tension between Steve and Izzy was thick. Robin attempted to make conversation. "So what do you guys think we're driving to?" She asked the group of people in the car. "Probably another dead body, rob" Izzy said in a rude and annoyed tone causing Robin to give up on the conversation and slump in her seat.

Once they arrived everyone got out of the car staring to a scene of Nancy and an officer talking.

Once Nancy made eye contact with Steve the two smiled at each other and waved. As they smiled at each other a wave of comfort washed over Nancy. She looked to the other people in the car, once she saw Izzy she waved again and walked over to the girl.

Her footsteps caused Izzy to quickly walk toward her. Nancy's arms flung open as Izzy buried herself in Nancy shoulder.

Nancy hugged the girl tightly before speaking, "I heard about Chrissy, I'm so sorry" she said as the two girls pulled away from each other. "It's okay, why are you here?" Izzy said as her arms dropped from Nancy as the rest of the group joined them. "Something happened" she said looking my to the rest of the group separating the two words in a concerned and frightened voice.

The group all sat at a wooden bench in the neighborhood Max lived in. The neighborhood Chrissy and Fred had died in.

As Dustin explained everything to Nancy everything that had happened in the past three days Nancy squeezed Izzy's hand in comfort.

"What's this thing called?" Steve asked. "Vecna" Dustin answered. "So this Vecman" Nancy began to explain before Dustin interrupted her. "Vecna". "Vecna, is killing a bunch of teenagers, why?" She asked to which the rest of the group shrugged. "We don't know" Izzy said.

Nancy let go of the girls hand as the group began to walk to the car.

Nancy began to walk away. "Where are you going?" Steve asked her as they all stood beside the car. "Library" she said turning around.

"Well it's not safe to go alone, I'll go with you" he said tossing the keys to Robin. "I don't think you want me driving" she said tossing the keys back to him. "Why?" He asked confused. "I don't have a license". "Well why don't you have a license?", "I'm poor" she said as the two looked at each other.

Nancy stood waiting for someone to say something else. "I can drive" Max said to which Izzy and Steven quickly disagreed with. "Not again" he said looking to Izzy.

"Drive" he said tossing her the keys, which fell in the floor in her non efforts to catch them.

Robin bent down, picking up the keys and handed them to Steve, as they all knew Izzy would not drive. "You drive, I'll go with Nance. Us ladies have to stick together, right?" Robin said. "Robin, don't" he said as Robin quickly looked over to Izzy then back to Steve. "Just make up and make out" she whispered to him before walking away with Nancy.

The group of four quickly got in the car. Dustin got in the passenger side, after Izzy forced him to, and Max and Izzy stayed in the backseat. Max laid her head down on Izzy's lap as Izzy stroked her bright red hair. Max closed her eyes as Izzy did the same.

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