Cheech and Chong

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Izzy sat on the counter of the front desk next to Robin who stood leaning against the counter from the inside. Izzys converses dangled as she tried to block out what Dustin was saying. She turned her head to find Steve. She looked around the store seeing him helping a girl.

Dustin saw her look at him. "Izzy, focus" he said snapping his fingers in her direction. She whipped her head around to face him. "Yeah, sorry, Just found out my best friend was murdered. My bad" She said sarcastically. Dustin looked at her tear stained face feeling sorry for his sister. Everyone could see how the past few years had affected her and how she acted like it didn't.

Him and Max continued to explain what they needed to do as Izzy half assed listened.

Before Dustin could finish his sentence Steve interrupted him. "I bet the cops know where to find him" He said as he put his arms on the counter beside Izzys body. He leaned over her shoulder while talking. Izzy looked at him as he spoke unable to take her eyes off of him. She watched how he articulated his words while still somehow keeping himself as quiet as possible. How his hair swooped in front of his face as he got closer to the group behind the counter. "what?" Dustin asked him causing Izzy to shift he focus to her curly headed brother.

"I mean think about it" Steve said as Izzy looked back to him as he got closer the group and he got closer to her face.

"If he's a known drug dealer, he must've been arrested at least once". "Hell no, we are not calling the cops. We probably would have already found him if you would help instead of flirting with customers" As Dustin said the last part of his sentence Izzy cringed at the thought of him with anyone but her.

"I am not flirting with customers. It can be very hard to decided on these movies, we have a very wide selection" he said defensively. Robin looked toward him then to Izzy. She faced forward before sitting up and walking to the computers. She took a seat before speaking, "Yeah, it can be" She said before typing on the large computers. The  group of teens gathered around the girl as she types the name Rick into it.

The kids went through the different Ricks before settling on one that had a suspicious liking to Cheech and Chong. The all left in Steves car on their way to 2121 Holland rd.

Once they had arrived at the lake house the whole group stood on the porch where each one banged on the window or door with one hand while the other held the flash lights. It had gotten darker so they were very much needed. Max stood beside her older friend who looked like she was about to have a mid life crisis. "Iz?" She said causing the girl to turn her head to face the red head. The teenagers mid length brown hair laid over her shoulder falling down her to her back every time she moved. Her tear stained face was covered with a look of heartbreak at the sense she would never be able to hug her best friend again. "Its okay" The red haired girl said before hugging the girl. Izzy wrapped her arms around the young girls torso knowing nothing she did would comfort her enough.


Steve knocked on the door of the lake house praying someone would answer so this nightmare of heartbreak would end for the girl he loved. He looked to the left to see her knocking on the window of the lake house. Max stood next to her doing the same.

Steve watched her as she looked through the window. As Max called out her name in a hushed silence compared to the loud voices screaming for someone to open the door. He watched her beautiful dark brown hair fall from her shoulder down to her back. He watched as she turnned listening to Max with such intent.

He stared at her as they hugged. The way she rested her head on Max's shoulder. It hurt him knowing she was in so much pain. He had seen her teary eyes struggle to stay open while they drove over. She insisted on sitting in the backseat to be with Dustin. She laid her head on his shoulder as he comforted her best he could. He held her hand the whole way over not saying a word. The silence between her and her brother was. the most comforting he had ever heard. The truly were siblings.

She truly was the best person her knew. The kindest, the prettiest, the smartest, the most comfortable, the only one her loved. "you guys, come here" Max said snapping Steve out of his trance.

Max hugged Izzy as a building in the distance caught her eye. At the sight of the stare from the younger girl Izzy turned. "you guys, come here" She said as both the girl stared at the boat house that sat on the lake.

The dim light of Max's flash light shown. The light grew as everyone join the two girls shining theirs to the boat house.

As the grew traveling down the steepish hill toward the boat house Izzy held Dustins hand to make sure he didn't fall.

Once the group was down to the flat ground they walked toward the boat house. Dustin, scared of what he would find, squeezed Izzy's hand digging his short bitten nails into the back of her hand. It reminded her of last summer when Jonathan had cut out that thing from Els leg. How tight she held onto her hand at the pain of the knife.

The night she felt her life end. The night her first real love had died.

As the group edged up to the door they all stood staring at it. All too scared to open it. Finally Izzy looked to Steve who was already looking at her. As they made eye contact he saw the desperation in her eyes. He opened the door to the boat house and walked in with the group of teenagers behind him.

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