The bear

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Me, Max, and Steve started to pick up scrap metal and started to board up the windows and doors on an abandoned bus in the abandoned yard. "So, you and Billy broke up?" Max asked me even though she already knew the answer. "Yeah" I responded looking at her. She looked at me then looked at Steve "you move on fast" she said laughing. "Me and Steve, really?" I said laughing with her. "I mean, he's cute" she said picking up a sheet of metal and walking away from me.

It had been at least 30 minutes and me and Steve hadn't looked at each other and Dustin and Lucas hadn't helped at all. Before I could walk up to them I heard Steve smack the car they were talking behind. "Hey, dickheads, how come the only two people helping me are your babysitter and this random girl?" He said "Her name is Max" I said to him while walking toward the car they were behind. "Her name is Max" he mumbled to himself mocking me. "Either way we lose light in 40 minutes! So get off your asses and let's go" I said to them now pushing Dustin up.


As Steve poured gasoline all over the meat that we had dumped in the middle of the yard and I got all of this kids inside the bus and got everyone comfortable.


Once it got dark there has a thick fog was running across the ground of the abandoned yard. Lucas went up to the roof of the bus and waited with his binoculars.

While Dustin paced around the bus and Steve played with the lighter, I sat next to max playing with my nails.

"So you've really fought one of these before?" Max asked Steve. Steve didn't say anything he just nodded, "and your totally sure it wasn't a bear?" She asked confused, "Shit. Don't be an idiot, okay? It wasn't a bear" he said defensively before saying something else "Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home" Dustin said while max looked at him offended and confused. "Someone's cranky, is it past your bed time" she said before going up the ladder to meet Lucas.

Before I could say anything to Dustin about his behavior Steve spoke "that's good just show her you don't care" he said sounding proud of Dustin for being an asshole. "I don't" Dustin said still pacing around the bus. Steve winking at him and I rolled my eyes. "Why are you winking, Steve, stop" Dustin said now sitting down.


We all stayed in place in the bus for at least an hour and all I could think about was how worried my dad must've been. I just wish I would've talked to him before I left to see Dustin. I can't wait to see him after all of this. I miss when me and my dad were friends. I don't talk to him as much as I want to but I love him and he knows that. I'm so sorry dad. I really hope I don't die doing this bullshit. I want to watch Halloween on the couch like we did when it first came out but now we can watch it with Joyce. I want her to my mom. I want my dad to be happy.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud screeching sound that obviously alerted everyone. Me and Steve both ran to the windows. Our faces almost touching as we looked outside "Do you see him?" Dustin asked me and Steve looking outside from beside me "No" Steve responded before I could. "Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin yelled to hopefully be able to talk to Lucas. "Hold on" Lucas yelled back to us.

It was silent till Lucas yelled again with his voice straining "I've got eyes! 10 o'clock, 10 o'clock!". "There" Steve said pointing out the window toward the monster. "What's he doing?" Dustin asked "I don't know" Steve responded. "Hes not taking the bait, why is he not taking the bait?" I asked them confused and aggravated. "Maybe he's not hungry" Dustin responded "or maybe he's just sick of cow" Steve said while standing up and grabbing his bat.

"What are you doing?" I said following him around until he got to the door and started to open it. "Be ready" he said handing me the lighter and ignoring my question. "What is he doing" Lucas said still looking in his binoculars "I have no idea" I said now looking out the window.

Max and Lucas rushed behind me to try and see outside the window. "He's insane" Max said "Hes awesome" Dustin responded "Hes hot" I muttered getting a look from Max who seemed to be the only one who heard it.


Steve was fighting the first and what I thought was the only creature when 4 more came into view. "Steve watch out!" Lucas screamed after running back up to the roof of the bus. "I'm a little busy here" Steve yelled back "3 o'clock, 3 o'clock" Lucas yelled back to him before I yelled at him to get down from up there. He came back down to the bus and got with the rest of the kids while I stood by the door praying that Steve would hurry up.


As soon as Steve came back inside the bus me and him slammed the door and I grabbed another sheet of metal and put it infront of the door to add another layer for the monster to get through. Me and Steve both used our legs to hold the door closed. Dustin had noticed the monsters arm coming through a hole in the door but before he could say anything it scratched my leg drawing blood. Blood was running through my jeans but I didn't notice and if I did I didn't care.

Steve grabbed his bat and hit the monsters arm until it was almost ripped off. I stood up and ran toward the kids. I couldn't feel anything except for the erge to protect the kids.

We heard a screech then silence. We were all too scared to move but with adrenaline still pumping threw my body I still didn't feel anything from the scratch.

We heard loud bangs coming from the roof of the bus causing Max to look up from where she was standing. Looking up she saw the monster and as it growled at her from above she screamed causing me to launch forward in hopes to protect her and the rest of the kids. Steve followed me and pointed his bat at the monster. "You want some! Come get some!" Steve yelled.

The monster looked toward the left and screeched at all of us before leaving the bus and the yard completely.

"Maybe Steve scared them off" Dustin said as we all left the bus. Steve turned around to look at all of us and spoke "no, they're going somewhere".

I fell to the ground after finally feeling the pain rushing from my leg. As I looked down at it so did Steve. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around the main place my leg was bleeding from. He looked at me for a quick second before standing and helping me up.

"We need to start walking" he said with his arm around me helping me walk. We heard a screech coming from what looked like a lab. "The lab" Dustin and Lucas said in unison looking at each other. We all started to walk to what I assume is "the lab".

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