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Finally after driving in silence, the group pulled into the parking lot of the Hawkins High high school.

They all get out of the car as Steve complains and suggests they should go home. "We don't even have a way in" Steve says following close behind Dustin as the two girls walk to the side entrance of the school. "Yea we do" Max says as she puts ik the key and twists.

Max walks into the school as Izzy holds the door. Dustin follows close behind and Steve stands there. "This is so fucking illegal, why am I the only adult here?" He asks as he looks to her. "If you don't wanna go then just wait out here" she says with a smile as she drops the door from her hands.

Steve quickly walks into the school as the heavy doors shut behind him.

As he follows her closely, quietly talking into her ear, his breath brushes against her ear as he talks. "I don't know why you have to be such a bitch all the time" he mutters to her as his steps overlap with hers.

Her heart skips a beat as she shivers at the sudden touch of his hot breath. She speaks in a hushed voice, not wanting to alarm the others as they walk 10 feet in front of the two.

"I'm not a bitch" she says not even looking to him.

He quickly responds with a hushed laugh and a small mutter, "yeah,whatever".

A small smirk grows on his face as she turns into a classroom following Max and Dustin. He turns into the classroom standing in the doorway, leaning on it.

Max shuffles and digs through binders and papers before Izzy speaks, "Max". No responds in given from Max as she seems entranced by the papers. "Max!" Izzy speaks more urgentl. Max pops her head up, strands of her red hair fly up and out of the ponytail she has it in.

The two girls look at each other as Maxs eyes are wide. "What are we doing here?" Izzy asks the girl.

Max hands her a binder, "looking for clues" she said. The boys grab a binder, ripping through the papers, looking for anything they can. "You guys, I got something" Steve says as he hands Max a paper of Chrissy Cunninghams file.

Izzy hands Max Fred's file and the two others search for more. Max carfully looks through the files, K,L,M. There she is. Max Mayfield. She looks through her own file, comparing it to the others they have already found. The hallucinations, anxiety attacks, the pills. All the same. She's next. She's done. "Ding, Dong" she hears from the hallway.

She pushes past the three others who are too focused on the files to even watch her.

She walks through the wall ways, getting closer to the sound of the clock. "Ding, Dong" she hears getting louder until she turns down an empty hallway. She slowly moved toward the dead end, seeing it. The clock. "Ding" she hears as she shines her flashlight to it. "Dong" she hears.

"Max" she hears from a deep, grumbling voice. She turns to face the open hall. The shadowy figure lures toward her as she shuts her eyes tight.

She prays for it to go, just like she was told to in church. "Max. Max? Max!" She hears as she shakes. "Are you okay?" She hears as she opens her eyes to see the familiar brown eyes. Izzy's worried face brings Max comfort. Before Max can answer the question the all hear a loud crash in the hall.

Steve grabs a lamp as Izzy pushes the kids behind her. She looks to Steve like the moron he is. "What?" He asks. She shrugs sarcastically as they all move forward out of the room.

Steve walks in front of them as max and Dustin shine their flashlights. Izzy keeps her hand steady blocking Dustin and max as best as she can.

Loud and fast footsteps run toward them as the all scream. Lucas screams as he pants, out of breath. His hands on his knees, catching his breath and trying to calm the others down. "Lucas?" Dustin asks. Izzy runs up and hugs him as Max stand awkwardly. Steve shakes his "weapon" as he speaks. "What the hell, I could have taken you out with this thing" he says before putting the lamp down.

Lucas quickly his Izzy back. "Where were you?" She says as she hits his arm in  anger. "I know and I'm sorry but I don't have anytime to talk. Where's Eddie?" He asks.

The rest of the group look to each other before Dustin asks, "why?". Lucas looks to him then to Max. She stands there biting her nails with a confused look on her face. "I think Jason's going to kill him" Lucas says. "What, is Patrick with him?" Izzy asks in distress.

Steve's face gets hot at the sound if his name. At the distress in her voice. Why does she care so much abt him? Why him? Steve's thoughts get cut short by Lucas's responds. "He's with him, he's worried about you" he says. Steve digs his nails into his hand looking to Izzy's face. Izzy quickly looks to Steve's face. The stare to each other until Dustin speaks, "we should go back to the house". He says looking at his sister. "What house?" Lucas asks. "Dude, you missed so much" Dustin said as him, Lucas, and Max all walk toward the doors they came out from.

Izzy quickly breaks her eye contact with Steve as she follows the kids down the hallway.

As they all turn the corner back into the guidance counselors room Max hurries to the papers. "Max? What's wrong?" Izzy says as she walks up quickly behind the girl. "Look" she says as she hands Izzy Chrissy and Fred's paper.

Izzy skims through the papers, seeing the similar symptoms of the two she looks back at Max. "Isn't that a good thing?" She says. Max looks away picking up her own folder and handing it to Izzy in silence. Izzy examines the paper in silence before looking back at Max. The girl speaks, her voice breaking, "and I just saw that stupid clock so".

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