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Chrissy watched her boyfriend play against the boys from Cambell academy. The red and white uniforms of the girls from the opposite team danced around as the girls cheered for their team.

The girls in the green and white cheered as loud as possible. Chrissy and Izzy talked about the game and the people.

"I gotta go to the bathroom" Izzy said before pushing through the crowd of girls and out the doors to the hallway from the gymnasium. She went left toward the locker room and pushing through the solid and heavy wooden doors.

As the girl let go of the heavy doors they slammed causing her to jump up at the expected sound. She ran toward her seat before stuffing her hand in her jacket pocket.

She pulled out a small plastic bag and a lighter. She took her pre rolled blunt out of the bag and walked outside through the back door of the locker room.


Chrissy looked around 20 minutes later to find no Izzy. She got up from the warm wooden bench all of the girls sat on.

She opened the large doors to the gym out in the hallway and walked to the locker room.

After 5 minutes of Izzy not being in the bathroom Chrissy knew where she was. She walked out the back doors of the locker room and was met with her high best friend.

The girl turned around pushing the door open but once she saw it was Chrissy she laughed. Chrissy was visibly mad but Izzy was too out of it to understand. "What the fuck" Chrissy said loudly as she was only inches away from her best friend who's breathe smelt like burning weed.

She grabbed Izzy arm and took the half smoked blunt out of her hand and threw it on the ground.

"No, no, no" Izzy repeated as she fell to the ground trying to retrieve it. She watched as Chrissy stepped on the blunt smashing it into the ground. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Izzy said as she arose from the ground.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Iz? You told me were done like an hour ago. Tonight is really important to me and everyone else and you're outside getting high" Chrissy said referring to the fact that it was the championship game.

Chrissy voice cracked as she yelled at Izzy about her addiction. She just wanted the best for her. "Your a bitch" Izzy yelled back to her friend. "Well your fucking selfish. You're gonna die if you don't fucking stop I'm just trying to help you" Chrissy said before getting a quick responds, "well I don't want your fucking help".

Izzy pushed past Chrissy to the door back inside the school. Chrissy stood as she listened to the loud metal door slam shut. Tears filled her eyes but she couldn't cry. Not when her mom is inside waiting for her to finally make her proud.

Chrissy's uniform dug into her skin and felt like it was tightening around her body. She breathed in and out slowly and put her hand over her hips.

She closed her eyes and counted to ten but when she opened them she was met with the red sky she was familiar with. She closed her eyes once and counted to ten. When she opened them she saw him. The same burnt man she tried so desperately to get rid of.

"Chrissy" the grouchy deep voice said. "No" Chrissy said as she closed her eyes again counting to ten. "1,2,3,4" she said before being interrupted. "Chrissy" the voice said. "Stop" Chrissy said opening her eyes. She opens her eyes to find no one. She looked up to see the dark blue sky and the brown dying grass.

She turned around quickly and swing open the door to the school. She quickly ran to the gym and sat back on the bleachers. She looked around and didn't find Izzy. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Olivia asked Chrissy.

Chrissy turned to look at the green eyed girl. "Yeah, why would I not be okay?" She asked paranoid about what was wrong. "Your nose is bleeding" Olivia said as her eyebrows furrowed and she turned to her bag.

"Here's a mirror" Olivia said handing her small mirror to Chrissy.

As she looked herself she saw a streak of dark red running slowly from her nose. She lifted the inside of her wrist and wiped off the blood. "Thanks" she said to Olivia handing back her mirror. "Of course, girl" she said with a smile as she faced back to her bag putting the mirror away.

Chrissy looked around watching for her best friend as the door to the gym swung open and Izzy walked in. Chrissy's eyes followed the girl as she walked to her seat on the bleachers.

Tense silence filled the space between the two girls as the time past slowly. They watched the game wishing it would hurry and end.

Half time had finally come and the girls got up and went to the middle of the court. Izzy and Chrissy faced each other.

The girls were forced to look at each other after 15 minutes of ignoring each other. The routine started and every girl on the team force a smile as the all moved in sync with each other.

Once the routine was finally over they all sat down on the bleachers wishing that the game would hurry up and be over. Izzy stole small glances at Steve and the girl he was here with not knowing why she had such a problem with it.

She didn't like him but she wasn't okay with him moving on.

Chrissy looked at Izzy every few minutes just to see if she cared enough to think about apologizing. The tension between the girls thickened as the silence grew.

Izzy watched intentivly as the game only had a few seconds left. She watched Patrick throw the ball up to the hoop but missing.

Izzy watched Lucas throw the ball up after stealing it from someone on the other team. He shot the ball toward the hoop and it ran around the ring about 4 times before, inevitably, dropping into the hoop. Izzy stood up and ran toward the team as they all crowded around Lucas.

He ran up to her from the crowd and hugged her. "That was so fucking cool" she said in his ear before he let go of her and went back to the crowd.

Lucas notice how pungent the smell of weed was in her breath but all he could think about was Max and how she would be so proud of him if she was here.

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