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The stupid pep rally was finally over and Izzy went to English. She was in the slower English class but advanced Math. Her English class was at end of the freshman hall. As she passed mrs. Gilmrys room she saw Lucas, Dustin, and Mike all arguing. It wasn't out of the ordinary. Things had been different since they got into highschool and Will left. She waved only getting a responds from Lucas.

Her and Lucas were close now. She gave him rides home everyday because they stayed after school together due to practice. Dustin quickly turned around to see his sister facing them while still walking. He quickly waved before turning back to Lucas. Mike didn't even bother to turn around.

She walked into class and sat next to Eddie. She was only 20 minutes into class learning about Hamlet before a stinging headache hit her like a shard of glass. "Mr. Tatum, can I go to the bathroom?" She asked fully planning on leaving the building. "Sure, Ms. Henderson" Mr. Tatum said while rolling his eyes.

It was the third time she had a headache this week. The Henderson name stung a little less everytime someone called her it but none the less it still hurt to know she wasn't a Newby anymore.

Izzy quickly darted out of the room with a small bag filled with one blunt and some weed in her hand and a lighter in the other. She took a left and passed the girls bathroom after a few steps. As she went out the side door exit that was only used for fire drills she was met with a cool spring breeze. It was always cold in Hawkins but this was sudden. It gave chills down her spin.

She took the sides of her cheer jacket and covered up with them. She went behind a school trash bin and started to roll her blunt. Before she could lit it she heard a loud noise. She looked out from behind the trash bin to find nothing.

She turned back and lit the blunt. She had been smoking for a while. At first she did it to feel nothing. Numb. She was fine feeling anything.

The weed she would get from Caleb Broncs was overpriced and shitty but after smoking a lot she stopped feeling anything. Then she had English with Eddie and learned about his "business" as she called it. His weed was stronger and cheap. Cheaper than Caleb's.

Caleb got busted by the cops a couple of months ago and is in juve by now. Thank god she switched.

She took another hit before she heard a door swing open. She quickly went to go his behind the trash bin but in the quick move slammed into the brick wall dropping the not even 2/3s gone blunt on the grass.

She quietly cussed at herself and her circumstance before slouching down to not be seen by whoever slammed the door open.

She looked over the bin to find no one. Not a single soul was even remotely around the trash bin. "I'm going fucking crazy" Izzy mumbled to herself before getting up and stomping over the wasted blunt.

She got out from behind the bin and walked back to her English class like nothing has happened.

After English Izzy said bye to Eddie and raced to Chrissy's math class to meet her for lunch.

"Hey girl" Izzy said running up to Chrissy and Nessa in the hallway. "Hey" Chrissy said with a big smile as she pushed her bestfriend in between her and Nessa.

They talked about pointless gossip that Nessa had over heard in science. Chrissy didn't eat at lunch so she went ahead and sat down at the table next to Jason while Nessa and Izzy went in the lunch line.

As the two girls talked Izzy felt a hand wrap around her waste. She jumped and turned to see Patrick. "You scared the fuck out of me" Izzy said while turning back to the front only to find Nessa walking away as fast as possible.

Izzy sat down beside Nessa and patrick sat beside Izzy. The 5 of them all started to talk while Izzy ate the shitty school fries and nothing else. She felt a hand on her knee and when she looked down it was Jason. She quickly stood up and looked at Chrissy who looked confused.

"What's wrong Iz?" Chrissy said concerned. Suddenly Eddie stood up on his lunch table. He spewed some bullshit but all Chrissy could think about was her best friend.

"Dustin, I have to go talk to Dustin" Izzy said walking away before anyone else's could say anything.

"Dustin" Izzy said in a sing song voice while walking up to her brothers seat at the lunch table. She sat her arms on Dustin and mikes shoulders while bending down to talk to her brother.

"Hey mike" she said causing Mike to wave at her. "I'm taking you home after the game so don't take forever doing" she paused looking toward the other boys at the table trying to think of a word to call the meeting. "This" she finished her sentence.

"Wow" Dustin said to his sister sarcastically. "No offense" she said looking toward the rest of the boys.

She started to walk away before bumping into Eddie. She looked up and the boy got a second before speaking, "Hey, Eddie" she said before the boy backed off and held his hands out as if to demonstrate a walk way for the girl. She laughed and curtsied like a princess before walking away.

"Your sisters hot" one of the boys said to Dustin as the all watched her walk away back to her friends. "Dude, shut up" Dustin said before throwing a cold hard French fry at his friend that has mentioned his sister.

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