Ice cream

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"Robin you will never believe who these losers thought was an evil Russian" I said laughing as me, Dustin, and Steve walked to Scoops before Steve responded to me. "I didn't even think it was, Dustin did". "You totally did" Dustin argued back before Robin ran out of the break room and past us to the waterfall ledge and she got on top of it and stood there. "Robin what the hell?" I asked her as we walked up to her.

She twisted her head around the mall almost looking for something. "Robin, what wrong?" Steve asked. Robin whipped her head around to us and spoke. "I cracked it" she said. "Cracked what?" Steve asked her. "I cracked the code" she said causing all of our faces to light up.

After work me, Robin, Dustin, and Steve all headed up to the roof of the mall in the pouring rain. Dustin was looking through his binoculars. I sat in between Steve and Robin while we all looking out to what looked like a storage room with people bringing boxes in and out. "They're with that whistling guy, 10 o'clock" Dustin said before Steve spoke. "What do you think is in there?" He asked all of us. "Guns, bombs" Dustin said "chemical weapons" Robin finished.

"Whatever it is, they're all armed to the teeth" I said looking to all of them. As thunder clapped Steve spoke, "great, that's great" he said wiping his face from rain. "What in there?" Robin asked. "It's just more boxes" Dustin said before Steve grabbed his binoculars and spoke. "Let me see", "No I'm still looking" Dustin said protestingly pulling the binoculars back. They argued more before a loud bang came from the binoculars hitting the steel roof.

We all ducked down and I grabbed the first thing I could put of fear. It just happened to me Steve's hand. After realizing what I was grabbing I dropped his hand and put my hand under my legs.


After we had gotten down from the roof and started walking in the hallway we all finally felt safe enough to speak. "Well I think he found your Russians" Robin said walking next to me. "For sure" I responded.


The next day I drove Dustin to the mall even though I didn't have to work. Me, Robin, Steve, and Dustin all say I'm the Scoops Ahoy break room while we all talked about the Russians and the boxes. "That key card opens the door but unfortunately, the Russian with the key card also has a massive gun" Dustin said while Robin spoke after him. "So whatever is in that room, whatever is in those boxes" which I followed with "they really don't want anyone finding".

"There's gotta be a way in there" Dustin said before Steve spoke while leaning in closely. "Well, you know, I could just take him out". "Take who out?" Robin said unbelievably. "The Russian guard" Steve said almost offended. "What? I sneak up behind him, knock him out, take his keycard, easy" he continued while we all started at him in disbelief.

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin asked him. "Yes, Dustin, yes I did, that's why I would be sneaking" He said. "Ah, well tell me this and be honest, have you ever actually won a fight?" He asked Steve. "That was one time" Steve said before Dustin cut him off. "Twice, Jonathan, year pryer" my mouth hung open before I spoke. "You fought Jonathan Byers and lost?" I said while laughing. "Well that doesn't count" Steve said rolling his eyes. "Why would I not count because it looked like he beat the shit out of you" Dustin said laughing with me. Dustin started to list off all of Steve injury's but I was more focused on Robin. He face lit up like she had the best idea ever as she ran out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I yelled to her as she took all of the money out of the tip jar. "Hey, half of that's mine" he said while Robin shrugged her shoulders and turned to me. "To get us a way into that room" she said smiling at me as she ran off and out of the mall.  Me, Steve, and Dustin sat there like three lost puppies as Dustin picked up the ice cream scooper and took a big lick out of it. "Dude not my scooper" Steve said grabbing it back and spinning it around before putting it back in his pocket.

Me and Steve worked in the ice cream shops front desk while Dustin sat in the back and ate ice cream while talking to us. I wasn't listening and I think Steve noticed. He hit my shoulder with his while handing an ice cream cone to a teenager girl at the front. "You good?" He asked me sounding and looking concerned. I wasn't fine. My head hurt at the fact that we were still doing this. Dealing with things we have no business dealing with. "I'm fine" I said smiling at him before looking back at the front to a dad and what I assumed was his daughter.

The little girl held a stuffed animal that looked like it had seen the worst of it in one hand and the dad held her other. "Can I have two vanilla ice cream cones, one with sprinkles and the other without please" he said smiling to me. I made it and handed one to him and the other to the little girl. I wanted that. I wanted to go get ice cream with my dad and him hold my hand. I wanted him to just know what I wanted. I wanted him to hold me if I was sad. "Thank you" the little girl muttered breaking me out of my train of thought.

"Of course sweetheart, you two have a great day" I said with a weak smile. I want my god damn dad.

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