Mr. Clarke

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Izzy rode back to her house as quickly as possible with Chrissy passed out in the passenger seat. She didn't take her eyes off the road except to look at the clock. 1:04. 4 minutes after curfew. I'm so fucking dead, she thought to herself before excelerating on the gas and running a stop sign. Thank god no one was on the road.

She watched as the clock changed every minute later. 1:08. She was finally here. She parked the car and hurried to open the drivers side. She had changed out of her heels into her bloody converses.

She hopped out of the car and ran to Dustin's window. She tapped on it rapidly until it bursted open. Dustin stood there in his Spider-Man pajamas with scissors in his hands ready to attack. "Jesus Christ, Izzy, I could have killed you with this thing" he said putting the scissors down. "I know Spidey" she said trying to contain her laughter, as he rolled his eyes. "Can you unlock the door" she said before Dustin rolled his eyes and shut the window.

She ran back to the car and got Chrissy out of the passenger side. "Hey Iz, my stomach hurts" She said as Izzy put Chrissy's arm around her neck. "I bet it d-" Izzy said being inturrupted but Chrissy's sudden vomit. Thankfully, she turned her head to the flowerbed and not Izzy. Fuck. The flowerbed. Just like that Chrissy was passed out again.


Izzy had finally brought Chrissy in and put her in the bed. She gave her a trash can right beside the bed and water for when she wakes up.

Izzy went to kitchen to get a snack even though she felt starved. As she walked in and turned the light on she was met with a man. A man in her kitchen. Stealing food from her cupboards.

"Mr. Clarke?" She said after she jumped at the sight of her brothers 8th grade science teacher in her kitchen. "Hi Issabella" he said looking at the girl. "Why are you in my kitchen?" The girl said almost scared. "Me and your mom-" he started to say before Izzy shushed him. "That's all I need to know" she said with a disgusted face before walking away.

She quickly came back remember what's she came for. Izzy said nothing as she walked past him, grabbed a big box of goldfish and went back to her room.


It had been at least 3 hours and Izzy was still wide awake while Chrissy slept like a baby. She couldn't stop thinking about everything, or everyone. Jason, Chrissy, Billy, Robin, Patrick, Steve. Steve. He didn't care about her anymore. Did he? No. He didn't. He never did, did he.

Jason. He's her bestfriends boyfriend. Whore. Your such a whore she thought to herself before getting and going to the bathroom. It's all your fault. Everything. Billy, Jason, Steve, Robin, Hopper, everyone. Everything. You did this to yourself, fucking whore.

She felt disgusting. Like she had to throw up but it wouldn't come out. She silently cried as she looked in the mirror hating the person she is in that moment. Before she knew it she had the scissors in her hands. She wanted to be new. Different. A different person. Someone she didn't know. The girl she used to know. She started to chop away at her hair and before she knew it, it was done.

Izzy woke up the next day with everything from yesterday out of her mind when she found no Chrissy. She quickly went into the living room to find Dustin behind the counter cooking pancakes. "Hey Dusty, where's Chris?" The girl said in a hurry before Dustin spoke back to her question. "She said she had to go back to hers to get ready for the pep rally. What the hell happened to you?" he said flipping the sizzling pancake.

"Shit, am I driving you?" Izzy said ignoring the question while running to her to grab her uniform and straightener. She ran to the bathroom after getting to responded from her brother.

As she looked herself in the mirror she stood there silent for what felt like hours. She had cut her hair at least 6 inches shorter. It was uneven and ugly. It was different. Not better.

"Come on, Dustin. Love you, mom" Izzy said as her and Dustin ran out the door. She was already late and missed pre practice. She was wearing the short skirt and the to small shirt with the school logo jacket over. Dustin turned on the radio to some rock station while Izzy started to smear on some blue eyeshadow praying she wouldn't look like a clown.

She threw her hair up into a high pony tail while Dustin started to dance to the shitty song Dustin loved so much. She started to laugh and he started to join her. They both danced until they had finally pulled up to school.

Izzy ran out of the car and tossed Dustin the car keys that he failed to catch. "Lock it" she said sprinting away. "Okay" he said picking the keys up while walking with Mike who had just been dropped off by Nancy.

"What did I just say, Robin?" Steve said loudly toward the girl as she started to explain herself while putting on mascara in the speeding car. As she went on all Steve wanted to think about was his girlfriend, ex girlfriend. He had been on a lot of dates to distract himself but none of them were " the one". "Dude, it's not my fault that you dumped a perfect girl and now you regret it so your trying to distract yourself with a bunch of bimbos" Robin said before going back to her mascara.

"She's gonna be here. You know that, right?" She said looking at his shocked expression. "What? Why?" He said started to freak out. "She's on the cheer squad. Why would she not be?" Robin said laughing. "Well, it's not like I care. I mean, why would I?" He said
Readjusting his hands on the wheel.

He knew the reason. They both know the reason. He loved her. He really did. And he threw it all away for what. Other girls. Her feelings. His feelings. He doesn't even know. And now he's here, talking about other girl praying to find "the one" knowing damn well he broke her heart and left her with nothing.

"I mean, I know why your nervous" he said to Robin trying to get her off his mind. "I'm not nervous" Robin said but somehow it sounded like a question. "Vicky" Steve said in a sing song voice.

They started to talk about Robins ginormous crush on the girl before they finally got to the high school. Steve started to park before seeing her old, beat up Nissan park in the spot across from them. He parked his car and sat there for a while watching her get out and run toward the school. She looked amazing. Happy. Better without him.

As he watched someone caught his attention. A girl. Woman. A blonde woman who he had set a date up with was waited and waved outside the car. Steve waved back and got out the car and started to walk up with her.

"I love pep rallies, don't you?" She said smiling and trying to hold his hand. He didn't want Izzy to see her. Or him. Not together. Not like this. He objected and forced her inside the high school.

He walked her to the farthest seat away from the middle of the floor. Where the cheerleaders would be. Where she would be. "I used to be a cheerleader" she said with a smile. She is so blonde. "That's great Brenda". He didn't know if that was her name but it didn't seem like she knew either.

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