Chapter 2

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I was waiting in my driveway, no sign of Liam's car

Him and Lia were supposed to pick me up for school 5 minutes ago and they aren't answering my texts

I eventually stopped checking the time and rather went through my schedule

I have 5 classes today, 2 of them are with Lia and Liam

I know for a fact that one will be with Ares as well and that's chemistry

He basically made it clear yesterday that he won't back down when it comes to exams so neither will I

Therefore I'm spending my afternoon in the library, buried in books

My next exam is in a week and it's math

I'm not the best in math but I somehow always managed to get 90%+ on my math exams

However, this time that won't be enough

With Ares in the game I have to give it my all

I've already been awake last night until 4 in the morning, studying until I dozed off

What bothers me the most is knowing that he probably slept as peaceful as ever and won't even bother to open his textbook until the day before the exam

Sometimes I wish I was as naturally smart as some people who can just read something once and fully memorise it, but I'm not

Which means that I have to put that much more work into my studies if I want the results to be good

Once I checked what my first class was I put my phone away and looked back up

Thankfully this time I spotted Liam's car coming down the road

He parked right by the sidewalk where I now stood

I opened the car doors and sat down in the back

Before I could even ask why they were late Liam beat me to it

"sorry, I forgot to check the gas last night so we had to go to the gas station first"

"it's fine, just drive fast so we won't be late" I said as I buckled up

He then turned back around and drove off

Not even a minute later, Lia turned back to me

"so, are you finally gonna tell us?" she asked

"tell you what?" I asked confused

"well if as much as I know you, I'm almost certain that you probably already talked to mr. spot thief"

I gave her a little glare but she just brushed it off with a cheeky smile

"if you must know I did but it wasn't anything interesting"

"still, I want to know"

"we want to know" Liam corrected, his eyes still fixed on the road

"fine, I followed him out of the school after class and asked him how he managed to get such a good score"

"go on"

"he said he didn't even study"

"so he's naturally smart?" Lia asked

"I guess so"

"so that's it?"

"he gave me a nickname"

Her eyes lit up at my words

"don't even start" I warned her

"it's just like in one of your books"

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