Chapter 24

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I landed another punch to the sandbag

"good" Sam said

I let my hands fall back to my sides

My breathing was heavy, sweat running down my bare chest, my muscles tense

I lost track of time so I had no idea how long we've been practicing for

My eyes shifted to Sam once he spoke up

"go take a shower and change. We leave in 20"

"what about Olivia?" I asked, referring to the fact that she still wasn't here

"she'll meet us there"

"ah okay"

While Sam answered the call on his phone, I walked over to my gym bag and took a fresh, folded towel out of it

Only 2 hours left until the match

I was confident in my performance, I knew I would do well but there was this little voice in the back of my head

A voice that was asking 'but what if I lose?'

I need the prize money, I really do

My grandma really needs it

Those thoughts kept running through my head even after I've entered the bathrooms

I placed the towel down on the towel holder that was next to each of the showers

'What if Felix is even better than before?'

'What if he's even more violent and merciless?'

'What if I get caught in his trap again and lose like every other time?'

I turned on the water and positioned myself right under the shower head that was hanging from the ceiling

Once the cold water hit me, all my thoughts went silent

I placed my hands on the wall before me and lowered my head

A deep sigh escaped my mouth just a moment later

'I have to do good otherwise all Olivia's effort will go to waste' I thought to myself

God, I can't wait to see her today

I've spent an entire yesterday afternoon with her but it wasn't as nearly enough

Every hour with her turned into a second, it all went by too fast

A smile creeped on my face when our kiss came to my mind

I kissed her

And it felt so good, like that kiss gave me a meaning in life

But it did form one question that still hasn't left my mind

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