Chapter 5

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The same question still remained in my head

'why the hell did Ares leave so suddenly yesterday?'

And what was with that message anyway?

No matter how much I try not to, I keep on coming back to the same scenario

Ares is definitely involved in something shady

First, that guy who called him 'little boxer', then that message yesterday about warming up

I don't know, but I don't want to make any assumptions

On the second thought, why am I even occupied with him so much

He's already becoming a distraction

I tried to block him out of my head as I focused back on the class

Our chemistry teacher was already explaining the new topic

I glanced over my shoulder

Ares wasn't in his usual seat in the back, nor was he next to me like a few days ago

He wasn't here

It was only the first class so I just assumed he slept in

I realised I'm thinking about him again and wanted to slap myself for it

After a minute or so the bell finally rang and I began packing my stuff into my bag

"a few more classes and then we're finally done" Lia said

I turned to her

She packed her stuff long ago, ready to leave the classroom as soon as the bell rings

We waited for Liam and then we all left the classroom together

I still have geography, physics and math on my schedule

Liam and Lia will be with me in the physic and geography class but in math, it will be just me and possibly Ares

I found out that we have almost the same classes so my plan of ignoring him is slowly getting impossible

And my next class is of course nothing else but math

Just great

"I don't think I can survive another class of biology" Lia groaned

"you could if you actually payed some attention to it and actually understood what's going on" Liam said

"oh I'm sorry, mr.perfect student, but is a little hard to do that when my eyes won't cooperate with staying open" she said in defence

He just rolled his eyes at her

She shifted her eyes from her brother and to me

"you didn't forget about us going shopping right?" she asked

"of course not"

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