Chapter 16

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I entered my uncle's office, my mind still crowded with various thoughts

There's no way I'll let Ares resort to underground boxing again and I'm certain my uncle will help me find a solution

"I didn't know you already got here" I heard my uncle say

I looked to him, a soft smile on his face

He was sitting behind his black wooden desk

His office was pretty big and it gave off a powerful, intimidating vibe

The walls were black, all kinds of diplomas hanging on them

Behind his desk were three shelves, each decorated with trophies from his boxing matches

I walked closer to his desk and sat down on one of the two leather chairs that were placed before it

He was reading through some documents, gently caressing his temples

I cleared my throat before speaking up

"I have a favour to ask of you"

His eyes shifted up to me but only stayed there briefly before going back down to the documents

"what do you need sweetheart?" he asked

"it's about Ares"

His eyes shifted to me but this time they stayed there

"his grandma is very sick and she needs new medication that costs a lot of money. Ares can't afford them"

"is his grandma the reason why he started with underground boxing in the first place?" he asked as he put the documents away

"yes, he needed money for the treatments" I explained

"I see"

"he needs about a 900 dollars to get her the new pills and he needs to buy them as soon as possible"

"are you asking me to lend him money?"

"no, I'm asking you to help him earn it somehow"

"you mean with a match?"

I just nodded

He remained silent for a moment, his eyes still on me

"I'll call around and see what I can do"

"really?" I asked, my expression immediately lighting up

"but in case I do manage to arrange a match for him, he needs to win, you know that right? It's not like underground boxing where he'll get paid just to show up"

"I know"

"he needs to be in peak condition. Whatever you guys have been training up to now that isn't 100% affective yet, get it to that point as fast as possible"

"we will" I assured him

"okay then, I'll let you know when I get any word back from my friends"

"thank you uncle Sam"

I stood up and was about to walk away when he stopped me


I looked back at him

He looked like he was about to say something but stopped himself from doing so

"it's nothing"

I gave him a small nod before walking away

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