Chapter 29

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Hi loves!!
As you know I try my best to post a new chapter every week but unfortunately I fell sick and with all the school work and exams that I have to take care of in the following week I won't be able to write the next chapter by friday. Therefore chapter 30 will be posted on April 5th. Thank you for understanding and hope you enjoy this chapter.



I was sitting in my car, tapping my finger on the steering wheel

I was waiting for Kai to walk through his front door

My eyes were fixated on the doors but my mind was elsewhere


I was watching Olivia's uncle pace up and down her hospital room, his phone glued to his ear

She was still laying in the bed, unconscious

Bandage was wrapped around her head, mostly around her left ear

The punch that Zach landed to her head caused her ear to bleed, the force ending up making her unconscious

My back was starting to feel sore as it had been placed against the hard wall for the past couple of hours

My eyes were fixated on Olivia

I feared the worst in that moment

The doctor said she will wake up within a couple of hours but that the punch and bleeding could damage her hearing ability on her left ear

"she's awake" I heard someone suddenly say

It was Lia

Her and Liam have been sitting beside Olivia's bed for as long as I have been standing there

"I'll call you back later" her uncle said as he hung up the call

He rushed over to Olivia and cupped her face with his hands

"hey sweetheart" he gently said

"how do you feel?" Liam asked

Her head turned to the side, her eyes meeting the twins

"do you have trouble hearing us?" he then asked

"no, I can hear you fine" she answered

It was visible that we all let out a sigh of relief, her uncle saying a quiet 'thank God'

"you two should go home, it must be late" Olivia said

Neither of them got the chance to reply because I spoke up first

"you got us worried"

Her head turned to my direction and she finally noticed me

"I told Kai to call him" Liam told her

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