Chapter 9

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FRECKLASS: "It's my turn to return the favour today so come over to my place for our study session"

ME: "your place?"

FRECKLASS: "yeah, my grandma keeps asking about you so do me a favour and properly meet her?"

I looked back up

I was once again standing before the same wooden door as I was just a few days ago

Back then I met Ares's grandma but only briefly

It was currently 2pm

I was standing before the front door of Ares's house, my bag over my shoulder, same clothes as I wore to school since I came straight here after my last class

Ares and I finished with school on different times today so he was already home

I brought my hand up and ringed the bell

Just a few seconds later I heard someone nearing the door and then opening them

A tall figure appeared before me, his chest on my head level, forcing me to look up in order to make eye contact

I was greeted with a wide smile and bright eyes, even though they were dark coloured

"you got here fast" he said

"I hate being late" I said as I entered the house

The moment I stepped inside I met a pair of curious eyes

It was Ares's grandma

"we met before but didn't have a chance to talk much. I'm Ares's grandma, Ruth" she greeted

"I'm Olivia" I said with a smile

"so I heard you're helping my grandson here" she said as she began advancing towards the kitchen

I quickly looked to Ares, confused by her statement

I thought she didn't know about the whole boxing thing and as soon as he shook his head I knew that she still doesn't

"it must be tough at your part time job if you need someone else to help out" she said to Ares

I realised what was the story here and decided to play along

"it's okay, I don't mind" I said

"well please take good care of him, he's a little clumsy this one" she said, pointing to him

I chuckled at her words

Trust me, I know

"okay grandma, enough embarrassing me" Ares said as he pulled out a chair and gestured for his grandma to sit down

She gave him a pat on his arm as a 'thank you' before sitting down

I noticed this before but Ares's kitchen table only has two chairs

It made sense though, it was only the two of them so I don't see why they would need a table full of chairs

I remained in my place, thinking Ares is going to sit down on the other one

But I realised I was wrong when he pulled out the chair and turned to me

"come sit" he said softly, his hand still placed on the chair

I walked over to him and sat down

I ignored the little smirk he gave me and spoke up

"so do you-

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