Chapter 25

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My hand ran through the dark fur of Lucifer's body

He was sitting on the kitchen counter, gently purring

I heard the sound of the footsteps and quickly grabbed him and put him down on the floor, knowing that my grandma didn't like Lucifer anywhere near the top parts of the kitchen

"morning grandma" I said once she was in my sight

"good morning darling" she smiled

She slowly made her way closer to me

"not going to school today?" she asked

"grandma it's only 8" I stated

"back in my day we used to attend school at 7"

"and ride dinosaurs instead of buses?"

She gave me a light smack on my head

"one more joke like that and I'm gonna send you to boarding school"

"but then who else would make your days better?"

"Lucifer's already doing it better than I could ask" she said, ignoring my self-compliment

She walked past me, on the way to make herself some tea

"I see you're in a good mood today" I said as I turned around to her

"I managed to sleep all night"

"you did?" I asked surprised

"for the whole 9 hours"

"that's amazing"

She tends to wake up a lot during the night, causing her a lack of sleep which eventually leads to her being in worse shape in the morning

"those pills you bought me are really helping"

I'm glad

I've worked hard to be able to afford them and I would be more than devastated if it would all be for nothing

"but Ares" she said softly


"pills like that are really expensive. How did you afford them?"

"I took up some more shifts at my job"

"it's that why you've been so worn out lately?"

"yeah, I've been working a lot of overtime"

"but Ares, you're 18. You should enjoy your teenage years not waste them with spending most of the day working"

"but I love my job"

She smiled at me, with that look that said 'I know that's not true'

"it's true"

"is there a specific reason why you like it so much?" she asked

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