Chapter 41

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"I can't find my wallet" Lia groaned while she was walking up and down her room

"do you think things are expensive here?" I asked her

"no the prices shouldn't differ much from those we have in our city"

She opened the wardrobe in hope to find the missing wallet

A loud "aha, found it" came from her side before she pulled out a small black wallet

Just a second later the bathroom doors opened and Ezra walked out

He was already dressed for our little trip to the town that was only 10 minutes of car drive away

"did you find your wallet?" Ezra asked Lia, not yet looking her way

"yeah I did"

His eyes shifted to the wallet in Lia's hands

"babe, that's my wallet"

"I'm aware" she smiled

He walked over to her

She looked up to him, slightly forced by his finger under her chin

He then bent down and gave her a quick peck before straightening back up and giving her a smile

"make sure you buy yourself something nice"

I got up from the bed and began heading to the doors that lead to the hall

"I'll go see if everyone else is ready to go" I said before I left their room

I walked down to mine and Ares's room, our doors being slightly opened as I reached it

I scanned the room with my eyes as I entered, looking for Ares

I noticed the light was turned on in the bathroom so I walked over to it

Ares was inside, styling his hair with only a towel wrapped around his waist

He made eye contact with me through the mirror, his eyes staying on me while I was coming closer to him

I positioned myself behind him and slowly wrapped my arms around his torso

"we're leaving soon" I said

"I'll be ready in time" he assured me

I let my hands travel further down his body before speaking up again

"good, Lia doesn't like us running behind her 'schedule'"

His body tensed up when my hands almost reached that certain part of his lower body

He quickly grabbed my arms before they could move any further

I removed them with a smirk on my face

He placed his hands on the sink before him

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