Chapter 32

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My breath got stuck inside my throat at the sudden fear that overcame my body

"I know you're home alone so open the doors while I'm still asking nicely"

I didn't think, I just moved out of pure reflex

I got to the kitchen table and gently picked up Luna, ready to head upstairs with her when I remembered about the lights

My feet were making gentle, unhearable steps

Once I was almost at my front doors I pressed my index finger against the light switch, turning off all of the lights in the house

That action immediately brought attention to Zach

I could hear him on the other side, his heavy body moving

Just a second later a loud bang was heard on my front doors, making me flinch

I instantly backed away from the doors as the bangs began repeating

Luna got spooked by the loud noises and ended up jumping from my arms as she ran upstairs to my room

"do you seriously want me to break down the doors?" an angry voice yelled

"you know I will, don't be a bitch and open them" he added

I remained frozen in place but my eyes shifted down to my phone that was in my hand

My fingers moved across the keyboard and before I knew it, I dialed 911

It rang for a moment or two before someone picked up

"911, what's your emergency?" a woman's voice spoke up

"I-hi, someone's at my doors and he-he's trying to break in" I managed to tell, my voice shaky

"can you identify the person who's trying to break in?"

"yes, his name is Zach Akers"

"are you certain he poses a threat to you?"

"yes, he's been stalking me for a while now, sending me threats, taking photos of me" I listed

"okay I understand. What's your name miss?"

"Olivia Maddox"

"I'll need your home address so I can send help"

"It's ****"

"okay, I'll send a police car over"

Before I could answer her, another loud bang was heard

But this time, it was made with something other than a bare human hand

"I-I think he has a weapon" I said

"can you repeat that?"

My eyes widened after another bang, when the tip of a knife managed to break through my front doors

"he's got a knife"

"you said you were at home, correct?"


"is there anything around you that you could use to protect yourself?"

I took a look around

The first thing that came to my mind was something sharp

I advanced over to the kitchen, my steps long and fast

Zach's banging on the front doors and yelling was still present behind me, making my nerves run wild

When I entered the kitchen I opened the drawer with the table wear and searched for the biggest knife

I got ahold of one of them before closing the drawer shut

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