Chapter 21

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"are you sure?" I asked Lia

She was sitting right by my side, at the desk to my right

We were turned towards each other, our eyes glued to one another's face, all focused on our conversation

"yes, I checked twice during the night"

"and Liam wasn't in his bed?"

"he wasn't even home"

"then where was he?"

"that's what I would like to know"

"but aren't you worried that something might have happened to him?"

"he did text me this morning that he's fine and that he'll explain everything"

"at least nothing bad happened to him"


I turned back around

The conversation let me forget about my nerves for a good moment but they were starting to come back now that it was over

15 minutes left until the lesson starts

I've been studying until 2 in the morning last night so I'm prepared as I can be

My eyes focused on the classroom door when I saw movement in the corner of my eye

Blonde messy hair, grey sweatpants, a jacket and a backpack half open

He walked up to the third row, one row behind me and Lia

He sat down at the desk that was right behind mine

Both me and Lia exchanged a quick look before turning around, facing him with bright smiles

"you look like a mess" I pointed out

"I slept in" Liam said as he began taking his stuff out of his backpack, one by one

"clearly not in your bed" Lia spoke up

His eyes shifted to hers

"you noticed?" he asked almost shy

"yeah and you can forget about the car wash money because I had to cover for you with mom"

"did she notice I was gone?" he asked, a hint of fear appearing on his face

"she almost found out. But I got home in time before she started panicking. I said you called me and said you'll sleep over at Liv since you were already there for studying"

He let out a sigh of relieve

"thanks, I owe you one"

"you bet you do"

"but where were you?" I asked, too curious to wait any longer

He quickly glanced up at me, then at Lia and then back down to his desk

"with Kai"

We both let out a gasp

"on a date?" we said at the same time

"we just went to Night Owl"

"you took him to your favourite restaurant?" Lia asked teasingly

Liam gave her a bored look before continuing

"I ran into Marcus there"

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