Chapter 27

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My leg was shaking under the table, my finger picking on my lips, my nerves driving me crazy

As much as I tried to calm down myself, I couldn't

The loud noises weren't of much help and they only made my head hurt more, slowly forming a headache

My uncle suddenly stood up so I looked up

A friend of his approached us, both of them exchanging a quick 'hello'

I remained in my seat as they shook their hands

My uncle then sat back down and the other guy sat at his chair by the table

The table stood almost in the middle of the police station, surrounded by many others

"so I understand that you two have new evidence regarding the case?" the guy spoke up

My uncle tapped my shoulder, letting me know that it's time for me to show the photos

I took a now closed envelope out of my bag and placed it down before us

"what's this?"

"photos of me that Zach took"

"so he moved on to the next stage now, stalking"

My leg only began shaking more and I felt like I could pass out from the nerves at any given moment

"is there really nothing you can do about it?" I asked, sounding almost desperate

"we've got many other cases and these evidence are not-

"you said he could help us" I said, turning to my uncle

"it's not up to me but my bosses" the guy said

I shifted my eyes to him for a brief moment before leaning back in my seat and looking away

"I understand that this is all making you feel uneasy and that's why I'm trying to solve this in a quickest way possible"

"no offence, but it doesn't look so to me"

"Olivia" my uncle said in a harsh tone

"it's been a week and so far nothing has changed except for the fact that I'm getting more panicked with every day"

"he might just be the type to be all words but no action" the guy suddenly said

I reached for the envelope and searched through it for the little note

I took it out and placed it before him

I waited for him to read through it before I spoke up

"doesn't seem like he's no action to me"

"look, I would love to get you a restraining order but I'm afraid I'd need more evidence"

"what more could you possibly need?"

"the court needs to see that he actually posses a threat to you"

"I think that note says it all"

He just gave me an uncertain look

"does it not?" I questioned

"the court won't approve an restraining order based on just words on paper"

"so you're just gonna wait until he actually does something to me? and you call yourself a policeman?"

I saw his eyes divert to my uncle and I knew there was something he wanted to discuss with him privately

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