Chapter 17

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"so you're just not going to tell me?" I asked Liam as I was walking beside him down the school hallway

"tell you what?"

"that you have a date today"

He abruptly stopped in his track

His eyes set upon mine

They were telling a completely different story from his face

They were filled with annoyance but his face, it was colored with light blush

"I only agreed because otherwise he wouldn't leave me alone"

"whatever helps you sleep at night" I said as I continued walking

"I'm serious Olivia, it's one time and that's it"

"what if he does something that will change your mind?" I asked

"doubt it"

"well I don't"

He ignored my little comment and walked inside the classroom

Our history teacher wasn't there yet and neither were that many students

Lia was also absent since she slept in and told us to leave for school without her

She texted me earlier that she'll come in time for our next class

Liam sat down in the third row, on the side with windows

I placed my stuff down on the desk in front of him and took a seat

I glanced to the clock

9.30 am

I still have maths, chemistry and PE on my schedule

I'll probably get my exam back in maths, have lab work in chemistry and have free time during PE

I'm especially looking forward to the end of today's school day so I can visit Ares's grandma

I still haven't had that talk with her like she wished and since me and Ares are having a study session at his house today, I'll finally get to see her

I glanced away from the clock and to my desks's surface when I felt vibration coming from my phone

A familiar name popped up on my screen and I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion

ZACH: "hi Liv, haven't seen you a lot these past few days so I was wondering if you had time today?"

I picked up my phone, typed in my password and went to my messages

I took a moment to think about what to write before I began typing on my keyboard

ME: "I'm a little busy today so I don't think I'll be able to meet you"

It wasn't long before he already replied

ZACH: "are you training with Ares again?"

ME: "no he has a rest day today"

ZACH: "then what is keeping you so busy then? if you don't mind me asking"

ME: "I have a study session with Ares"

ZACH: "you spend too much time with him"

I froze when he sent me one more message

ZACH: "he's not who you think he is"

I realised he was probably talking about Ares being involved in underground boxing, which I was already aware of, but how did he find out about it?

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