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I don't usually stay home on fridays

There was always something for me to do or a place to go to

But now, I'm stuck at home

Not because I was grounded or anything but because I didn't feel like going anywhere

I just laid in my bed, on my back, looking up at my bedroom ceiling

My phone was lying beside me, the sound turned on so that I would know when a new notification would be send to me

It was past 7pm and Kai hasn't texted me anything yet

It's friday so it's the perfect day to go on a date yet he didn't even bother to text me to ask me out

"this is killing me" I groaned

I moved to the side and took the phone in my hands

"screw this, I'm not going to text him first" I said to myself

My eyes shifted to the top of my screen when I felt my phone vibrate, letting me know that I received a new message

LIA: "come to my room"


I rolled my eyes at her text, knowing that it was probably nothing important

But a few seconds later I received another one

LIA: "it's urgent"

As much as I didn't want to, I still got up from my bed and walked out of my room and down the hall

I didn't bother with knocking and just walked inside Lia's room

"what do you want?" I asked annoyed

"Olivia still hasn't texted me anything"

"are you serious?"

"yeah I am"

"she's on a date, enjoying herself, of course she's not going to text you"

"so it's a good sign" she speculated

"yeah it is so stop worrying"

I closed the doors behind me and advanced towards Lia

She was lying in her bed, her phone in her hands, her eyes glued to it

I laid down beside her, placed my arms on my stomach and interlocked my fingers

She put her phone down and turned her head to me

"you got any plans for tonight?" she asked

"I don't think so"

"no date?"

"what about you? no date?" I asked as I turned to her

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