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This chapter involves a mention of sexual harassment. If you're not comfortable with such content, I advise you to skip to the next chapter



My head was starting to hurt from all the reading

I was fed up with chemistry, as I went through the same topic for the 3rd time already

We have an important exam tomorrow and I did originally plan to study until late in the night but that plan is starting to seem more like a bad idea with every passing second

My desk was a mess

There were sticky notes everywhere, three different books open, covering one another and two different pens and markers at the edges

I buried my face in the textbook before me, letting out a groan

My head snapped up when I heard the sound of a new notification come from my phone

I looked to my phone screen, my lips curling up when I saw who texted me

KAI: "what are you up to?"

I got ahold of my phone, ready to text him back when someone burst into my room

"Liam I need you to cover for me" Lia said as she walked in

I turned in my chair to face her

"what is it this time?"

"Ezra is picking me up in 10 minutes"

"you know mom doesn't allow us to go out late when we have an exam the next day"

"that's exactly why I need your help"

"I already covered for you the last two times"

"I know and I owe you big time"

I didn't reply to her, deciding if I should follow along again or not

Her pleading look made me realise that she was pretty much desperate and as any brother would, I turned her situation into something I could benefit from

"you pay for my car cleaning"

"but that's so expensive" she whined

I just stared at her with a grin, just waiting for her to give in

Her pleading look dropped as she rolled her eyes at me

"fine, I'll transfer you the money when I get back home"

"have fun but not too fun, I'm too young to be an uncle" I said jokingly

"ha ha, very funny"

I turned back around as she began advancing towards my door

Once she left I focused my attention back on my phone

I saw that Kai sent me one more message in the meantime

KAI: "are you busy?"

ME: "I was studying chemistry but I'm starting to give up"

KAI: "need a break?"

ME: "what do you have in mind?"

KAI: "I can pick you up in 15 minutes, we could go for a drive and get some food"

I gave his suggestion a thought

Knowing myself, even if I turned him down, I still wouldn't get any more work done

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