Chapter 39

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This chapter involves content that is labelled as 'mature', if you're not comfortable with such content I advise you to skip to the next chapter

"are you 100% sure you want me to do this?"

My eyes shifted to his after hearing those words and once they met, all my nervousness was gone

A small smile formed on my face, showing off my certainty

"I am"

I turned my head back forward, waiting to feel the heat of Ares's hand on my body

I only heard how he began unzipping the back of my dress

Once he was done I brought up my hands to remove the straps from my shoulders

I let the dress fall to the ground before I slowly turned around, now facing Ares

His eyes didn't leave mine for a good moment but eventually, they traveled down my body

I saw him gulp down his saliva once he fully took in the sight before him

"gosh, you're beautiful" he breathed out

I took a step closer to him and one more and then one more, until my body was just inches away from his

His attention went back to my face

I suddenly felt the palm of his hand press against my cheek

He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear before leaning closer

"I'm so lucky to be your boyfriend" he whispered before pressing his lips onto mine

His hands then moved down my body to my upper thighs

He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist

He began walking but I was too focused on our kiss to even notice that we eventually entered my room

He walked us over to my bed and then gently placed me down

My back gently hit the bed's surface and the ceiling my eyes were set on was soon covered by Ares's body

His lips met mine again and this time I deepened the kiss

I gave him full access by opening my mouth and he instantly wrapped his tongue around mine

It didn't stay like that for long as he broke the kiss

He began kissing my face

From my forehead and cheeks to my chin

He then lifted his head so that he was able to get a better look at me

A loving look filled his eyes and a gentle smile formed on his lips

"God sure took his time with you" is all he said before he lowered his head again

His lips began kissing the area under my chin

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