Chapter 37

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The last exercise of my math exam was still empty

I completely froze

The equation was unfamiliar to me and panic immediately overcame me

I glanced to the clock and after seeing there were only 6 minutes left I quickly looked back to my exam sheet

"Olivia" I heard someone whisper

I turned my head to the side

"you're not seriously panicking over the last exercise, are you?" Ares whispered to me in such tone that tried to challenge me

Even though it got my anger going it helped me overcome my fear of messing up

With 5 minutes left I began solving the last equation

My mind was already tired due to me staying up late last couple of nights in order to study as much as I possibly could

My motivation was simple- I couldn't keep losing to a guy

Never mind that the guy was no other than my boyfriend, I didn't even think about letting him get another first place

He was still my academic rival no matter what our relationship outside the class was

As I heard the bell ring I let out a small sigh of relief

The equation was solved, so were all the other exercises

I grabbed my exam before getting up and walking over to the teacher's desk

After I handed in my exam the rest of the students started to get up, including Ares

I packed my stuff and left the classroom, stopping right outside it to wait for Ares

"how did it go?" I asked the moment he stepped out

"amazing" he said with a playful grin

"what about you?" he then asked

"amazing enough for a first place"

"if you actually manage to beat me, then I'll do anything you want me to"

My eyes slightly widened at his words, a wicked smile following

"anything?" I asked

"not when you say it like that" he said carefully

"but, anything?"

"yeah, I guess you would earn it"

We'll know the results by the end of lunch since it's the final math exam and the teacher tends to correct those quickly

There were still history and physics ahead of us but I had both of them with Liam and Lia so I was looking forward to them

However, I've been feeling slightly embarrassed in Lia's presence ever since monday when I asked her for an advice regarding Ares's birthday present

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