Chapter 15

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I stared at the exam sheet before me

I've already solved all the equations

I glanced to the lock on the wall

The pointers were moving slowly, now laying on numbers 10 and 26

less than 5 minutes of the class were left and as I took a look around, I saw that everyone else were still writing, including Olivia

She was sitting two desks away from me, to my right

Her hair were styled in two braids, one falling over her shoulder and the other one resting on her back

She was wearing light blue mom jeans that hugged her waist perfectly and a white long sleeved top

Her neck was adorned with a golden necklace that hung low

I looked forward to seeing her like this in 2 more classes again today, but unfortunately I won't be able to

I have to leave and head home as soon as the bell rings

My grandma has been getting worse lately and I need to take her to the hospital for another check up

We need to be at the hospital at 11.30 sharp so I can't afford to stay even for one more class

I focused back on Olivia when I noticed her movement

She stood up from her chair, taking the exam sheets with her as she walked over to the teacher's desk

She placed her exam down on the desk and the teacher gave her a quick smile

I glanced at the clock

2 minutes before the bell is supposed to ring, not bad

I grabbed my exam and got up as well

I then turned it in, placing it right over Olivia's

I could feel her eyes on me but as I walked back to my desk, I didn't spare her a glance

The bell soon rang, announcing the end of the class

"time's up, bring me your tests everyone" the teacher said

By the time she finished her sentence, I was already by the classroom door

I walked out onto the hallway, my bag over my shoulder as I began advancing towards the exit

I suddenly heard footsteps, coming from behind me

They were coming closer and closer until she was standing right next to me

"how did you do?" she asked right away

I couldn't help but to smile

My hands left the pockets of my cargo jeans before I answered her

"I didn't find the equations that difficult. What about you?" I asked, tilting my head to the side so I was able to look at her

"I managed to solve everything"

I felt my hand brush against hers and I immediately got butterflies

I love it when she walks next to me because there are small occasions when my hand touches hers, just like now

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