Chapter 36

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"I talked to them yesterday" my uncle told me over the phone

My parents couldn't face me after hearing my request about uncle Sam becoming my legal guardian so they turned to my uncle instead

By the time I got back home on friday their bags were packed and they were already out of the house

The only thing they left was a note

We really wanted to work things out but it's no point going back and forth like always. We're at complete disbelief at your request especially after everything we've done for you but if that's what you truly want, then fine. Have it your way. We'll be on our way and out of your life

I tossed that note away the moment I was done reading it

All I heard was 'us, us, us' , not once did they ask themselves why did I decide to go to such lengths

I didn't dwell on it much longer, knowing it will get me nowhere

I accepted the fact that they were gone now, for real, they weren't a part of my life for a long time now anyway

"do I even want to know what they said?" I asked

"nothing you should worry about. I'll handle everything"

"thank you, I really appreciate that"

"not for free though"

I let out a chuckle of disbelief

"you want me to make you lasagna, don't you?"

"I can be at your place at 8"

"9, I'll be studying with Ares and I don't know how late I'll get home"

"okay, I'll see you then"

We said our goodbyes and then ended the call

I put my phone in my back pocket before opening the doors to Liam's car

When I sat down inside it I was immediately greeted by a pair of curious eyes

"who was she?" Lia asked me

"who?" I asked, confusion hitting me instantly

"the girl who was was constantly trying to get Ares's attention on saturday's match"

"I don't know who you're talking about"

"you didn't see her?"

I shook my head

"I saw her talking to him"

"they talked? that's all?"

"why are you making it sound like it's not a big deal?"

"because it's not. If it were something serious then Ares would have told me about it"

"one more reason I'm dating a gay guy, no jealousy over him talking with other girls" Liam commented

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