Chapter 19

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My eyes glanced up to Zach

His leg was already prepared to kick me but I couldn't do anything in that moment

The pain was too strong for me to move

So I just laid there, waiting for it to happen

The ref suddenly blew the whistle and Zach stopped in his track

The crowd began mumbling, sharing their confusion as to why the round was interrupted with each other

There were still 51 seconds left

A bunch of voices got mixed up all together
but I only made out one of them

It belonged to Olivia

I sat up, my eyes shifting to the entrance of the ring

Olivia just walked inside it, fury written all over her face

"what the hell is wrong with you" she yelled

Everyone went silent

I lowered my head, knowing that I messed up big time

Zach's face was all beaten up thanks to me

There was blood running from his nose and I knew I just got myself in trouble

I tried to come up with an excuse or an apology but my thoughts went silent when Olivia continued

"are you dense Zach? I'm talking to you"

I looked up with slight confusion on my face

"are you saying it's my fault?" he asked in disbelief

"look at my face" he added

"don't try to victimise yourself. You pulled an illegal move back there and still went on with beating the shit out of Ares"

"this is boxing, it's supposed to be violent"

"even though it's a practice match, the rules still apply"

Their argument was interrupted when Sam entered the ring

"take 10 minute break, all of you" he said in a demanding tone

"but-" Olivia started, not being done with scolding Zach just yet

"the ref said he'll take the illegal move Zach made in consideration. Therefore you'll go for one more round in 10 minutes"

"and what if I win that round and even the score?" Zach asked

"then you'll go for one more round to declare the winner. But if Ares wins, it ends there and he takes the victory"

"10 minutes then" I said as I got up from the floor, still holding onto my shoulder

I left the ring with Olivia right behind me

Zach's coach met me halfway, heading to assist Zach

"we're gonna need medical help" he said as he got by his side

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