Chapter 22

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I was looking now at Lia now at Liam

'should I tell them?'

That question got asked over and over again in my head

I was all silent in the back seat of the car, both of them talking about school stuff with radio music in the background

"Ares and I are going on a date" I blurted out

They both went quiet in an instant

Lia turned back to me while turning down the radio volume with one of her hands

"what did you just say?" she asked

"I have a date with Ares"

Her mouth created a gap so big that I thought her jaw was going to hit the floor

She looked at me with pure shock and disbelief

"isn't April 1st already past us?" Liam spoke up

"I'm being serious" I said

"if I could I would turn around and give you the same look my sister is giving you but I have to keep my eyes on the road"

"it's really not that big of a deal"

"I thought you'd never do it since you have a love-hate relationship with him but I see the love part is starting to take over" Lia said

I looked at her

"it's one date" I said bluntly

"yeah, that's what Liam said and now he's only two dates away from being Kai's boyfriend"

I could see Liam giving Lia that one look he always gave her when she exaggerated

"but how did this even happen? I mean you going on a date with your 'sworn' rival?" Liam asked

"I lost a bet"

"I told you she won't go on a first date with him voluntarily" Liam said as he gave Lia a quick glance

"I still won't give you the 5 bucks"

"did you guys bet on me?"

Neither of them said anything as they tried to avoid any eye contact with me

But their bet is not the problem, the real problem here is, that I might have not agreed to the date voluntarily at first, but now, I don't find it that bad of an idea

In all honesty, I quite like the idea of it

"guys, what do I do?" I spoke up

"what do you mean?" Lia asked as she finally met my eyes

"I'm actually looking forward to it"

"wait, Olivia, do you actually like the guy?"

"I can't say for sure but I can't deny that there aren't any feelings or tension between us"

"do you think you could actually fall for him?"

"yes and that's what scares me"

"you got nothing to worry about"

"of course I do, did you not hear what I just said?"

"I did, that's precisely why I'm telling you so. Love is a scary thing so if there's fear involved then you know love is too"

"I can't even tell if I like him, let alone love him. Don't get ahead of yourself here"

"your love for him might not be a one of that kind yet but a part of it is starting to grow inside you and that's a start.

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