Chapter 8

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"tell me once more" I said with a smile

Lia was sitting in front of me, a smile even bigger than mine on her face

She planned the whole date for her and Ezra that will take place tonight and of course she had to share it with me

Liam, however, wasn't that impressed by it

"she already told you like four times, I think that's more than enough" he said tired

Both me and Lia looked back to him

He was sitting at a desk, a row further than us

Whenever I have a class alone I sit in a front row, but when I have Liam and Lia with me, I sit in the second

Lia usually sits next to me or beside Liam that's always one row behind

"what are you in a bad mood for?" she asked him

"I'm not"

"how many times do I have to tell you to finally text Kai back?" I joined in

"Liv, stop" he said in a warning tone

"do us all a favour and just do it, I can tell it's eating you alive" Lia said

"I'm perfectly fine"

We both exchanged a look, neither of us buying it

"give me your phone" I said as I turned back to him

"not a chance" he scoffed

I looked down to his desk, to the spot where his phone was

He followed my gaze and realised what I was going for, but before he could stop me, I already grabbed it

"come on Liv, stop" he said as he reached for his phone

I leaned backwards, dodging him

"relax, I won't do anything" I said

I unlocked it without any problems since I knew his passcode by heart

I went to his contacts and clicked on Kai's name

I opened their chat and read through the latest messages

Sunday, 1.30pm

KAI: "hey, I was just wondering if you have any time this week. I was thinking we could go to the movies or go eat out"

Sunday, 2.00pm

KAI: "or you could suggest something, I'm cool with anything"

Monday, 6.15pm

KAI: "this is Liam right? or did I get the wrong number?"

"Liam, he's clearly trying to shoot his shot, why are you ghosting him?" I asked as I looked back up

He snatched his phone out of my hands before speaking up

"" he said, with pauses in between the words

"oh my god, you're even worse than Liv" Lia groaned

"what's that supposed to mean?" I asked

"you both need to snap out of it and take notice of what you got right under your noses and not let all the potential go to waste" is the last thing she said before turning back around

I heard the sound of the classroom door closing, announcing that the teacher just walked in

"we're not done" I said to Liam before turning back around as well

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