Chapter 1

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'rivals turning lovers'

I took a second more to look at that title of my book before I put it back on the shelf

I like this kind of romance books but at the same time I don't fully get them

If you hate someone so much how can that hatred turn into love?

But then again, you never know

It's not like we as mere humans can control something like feelings

I grabbed my bag that was placed on my bed and advanced towards the door

I walked out of my bedroom and into the hallway

With every passing step the only thing that could be heard were my footsteps

I finally reached the kitchen and immediately spotted my cat Luna on the countertop

I walked over to her and brought my hand up, gently brushing through her white fur

"good thing you're here or I would die of boredom" I said to her

I suddenly heard buzzing come from my pocket so I took out my phone

As I took a look at the screen I saw that no other but my mom texted me

MOM: "we're staying for another week, call us if you need anything"

"for what? so you can send one of your servants to check on me?" I said to myself

I let out a sigh before putting my phone away

All this space in this house but me and Luna are the only residents here

My parents live for work and are therefore always on business trips

They don't care that their 18 year old daughter is home alone by herself all these nights

All they care about is their business

The money doesn't mean anything to me, it's theirs anyway

And that money is the reason why my parents aren't really my parents in the first place

But some people have it worse, that's what I tell myself every time I feel sorry for myself

Besides, the peace comes handy sometimes

As someone who's only goal is having good grades at the moment, I study quite a lot

I do have a social life but I tend to put school first

My head turned to the side when I heard the door bell ring

A smile appeared on my face as I instantly knew who it was

I said a quick goodbye to Luna before I walked over to the front door

As I opened them, two pairs of green eyes met mine

Lia and Liam

They're twin brother and sister and also my best friends

We've known each other since middle school

Lia was almost the same height as me while Liam was a little taller

Their blonde hair and green eyes complimented their faces perfectly

Since Liam got his driver's license not long ago, he's been insisting on taking us to school one of these days

And that day is today

I closed the doors behind me as we began walking towards the driveway

"can you explain one of the topics to me on the way?" Lia asked me

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