Chapter 34

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Neither of us said anything but it was clear that seeing Ares beside me wasn't something pleasant for my parents

As much as I knew it was coming, my heart still ached after hearing the words that left my father's mouth

"I see you're still going around with that good for nothing boy"

My eyes glanced to Ares

His face dropped as betrayal painted his face

He didn't expect such first meeting with my parents

Just his expression alone was enough for me to express all of my anger to my parents

I turned to my dad with hatred written all over my face

"good for nothing? you're the one to talk, I couldn't find better words to describe you"

"what did you just say to me?" he asked in disbelief

"that's not something you can say to your father Olivia, apologise" my mother spoke up

I let out a scoff

"but you two can freely express your opinion on Ares?"

"we do it because we know what's good for you" she said

"he is good for me, he is good to me, isn't that enough for you two to be happy for me?"

"no, it's not enough"

"well that's too bad, because I'm not changing my relationship with him just because you don't see the things from the same point of view as I do"

"your relationship?" she asked confused

"he's my boyfriend mom"

"since when?"

"it doesn't matter"

"of course it does, you can't just enter a relationship with someone and not-

She was interrupted by my father

He placed his hand before her and gestured for her to stop mid sentence

Then he spoke up

"do you plan to graduate?"

His question was directed to Ares so I looked up to him

"I do sir"

"and what are your plans after graduation?"

"find a job and settle down"

"what kind of job?"

"right know I'm interested in my hobby but I'm still open to new options"

"and what is it that you do for your hobby?"

"I do boxing"

"boxing? so you hit people"

"yes, that's a part of it"

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