Chapter 4

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"you gotta be kidding me" Lia said to me

"so let me get this straight" Liam added

"you had a movie like moment with him, he keeps bugging you and now you have to do a project with him and you don't find any of it exciting?" he asked

I just told them everything that happened in the past two days with Ares

And now, they're staring at me in disbelief

"we could have got caught" I said, referring to the library incident

"but you didn't" Lia stated

"he's nothing but trouble"

"hot trouble" Liam mumbled

"I just want him to leave me alone, it's already annoying that I have to compete with him. I don't need to have any unnecessary interactions with him"

"then what about the project?" Lia asked

"what about it?"

"you're gonna be meeting with him quite a lot because of it"

"we're only gonna talk about school stuff so you have nothing to worry about"

She let out a frustrated sigh

"you read about these stuff on daily bases but can't go along with it when something like that happens to you"

"you mean my romance books?"

"yeah, all that rivals and enemies stuff who eventually turn into lovers"

"that won't happen here" I scoffed

"Liv this could be your love story"

"or my worst nightmare"

She clearly wanted to say something more but Liam beat her to it

"we're here"

I looked out of the window and saw that we finally arrived at the school

I don't want to get out of this car

I just know I'll ran into him at least once today

I'm trying my best to ignore him but he's really persistent

I opened the car doors and got out

The moment I stepped on the concrete I felt my phone buzz inside my pocket

I took it out and saw that no other but Ares texted me

UNKOWN: "hi rival, you found some time for our project on your busy schedule yet?

After I read the message I put my phone away and began walking, eventually catching up to Lia and Liam

When should I meet with him?

I have to start studying for the upcoming math exam today and I'm quite busy on the weekend, I guess that leaves tomorrow

But why do I feel I'm missing something

I'm almost certain that I already have plans for tomorrow

I snapped out of my thoughts when a hand was suddenly placed before my face

"earth to Liv"

I looked up and saw Liam looking at me

"I'm sorry what?" I asked

"I was asking you when should we pick you up tomorrow"

I tried to think what was tomorrow but nothing came to mind so I just stared at him

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