Chapter 18

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I left my car in the parking lot and headed towards the gym entrance

I woke up at 6am this morning

I went for a run, prepared breakfast for me, my grandma and Lucifer, cleaned up everything afterwards and took a shower

It's currently 10am and there's only a good hour left before the match starts

Word about it got out and Olivia told me that we should be expecting an audience

But I don't mind them, my focus won't be on them anyway

Today, all I have before my eyes is victory

I entered the gym, my eyes immediately starting to search for Olivia

I found her sitting on the floor before her uncle's office

Her bag was lying beside her, a bottle of water next to it

She was wearing black leggings and a black shirt with long sleeves that hugged her body perfectly

Her hair were styled in a low braid

Her delicate hands were holding a book, her eyes focused on the text inside it

I walked over to her, the sound of my nearing footsteps making her acknowledge my presence as she looked away from her book and up to me

"you're late" she said

"good morning to you too"

I sat down beside her, my eyes shifting to the book which was still in her hands

"what are you reading?"

"me before you"

"I thought we agreed you'll tell me when you start reading a new book so I can read it as well"

"you were actually serious about that?"

"of course I was. Don't you want someone you can talk to about the books you've read?"

"well yeah, I just didn't think you would like the books I read"

"I like them so don't hold back on letting me know what book you're about to read next"

"are you going to read this one too then?" she asked, referring to the one in her hands

I nodded

She didn't say anything more so I decided to

"I'll read it fast, just give me a day or two and then we can talk about it"

"why do you like talking about the books with me so much?"

"because of the way your face lights up when you talk about something you're passionate about. Your eyes start shining so brightly that I couldn't care less if you were telling me about economics, as long as I would be able to admire that look of yours"

Her lips formed a smile as she began shaking her head lightly

"you should be a poet, you certainly got a gift" she said

I didn't quite perceive her words because my mind went back to yesterday the second I saw her smile

She had the same, just a little bit brighter smile on her face when she found out that she beat me at our math exam

She got 98% and I got 97%

"come on, let's get you warmed up and go over our strategy for today" she suddenly said as she closed the book and got up

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