Chapter 26

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I headed down the stairs and to the kitchen

My uncle was already there, a cup of coffee in one of his hands and newspaper in the other

He was wearing his reading glasses, his eyes travelling from one word to another

Once he heard my footsteps he looked away from the newspaper and to me

"morning sweetie" he said


I walked past him and to the fridge

"I already fed Luna and prepared you breakfast" he said from behind me

My eyes shifted from the fridge to the spot where Luna's bowl was at

It was filled with food

They then shifted to the kitchen table, a bunch of pancakes with syrup and strawberries neatly placed at one of the seats

I closed the fridge and looked to my uncle

"are you not hungry?" he asked after seeing the look on my face

"no, I am"

"then is something wrong?"

"I'm just not used to things being already taken care of"

I'm used to always doing everything by myself

Feeding Luna, cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry

"does that bother you?" he asked almost carefully

"not at all, it's really nice" I smiled

"good, I just don't want to overstep or invade into your personal space"

"I already told you that I'm glad to have you here and that you're not invading anything"

He's been living with me for a few days now but it feels like he's still walking around on eggshells

He usually leaves for work when I'm at school and comes back late in the evening so we don't see each other much but it's reassuring to know that I'm not all alone in this house during the night

Especially with the whole Zach situation

"uncle Sam, is there any news from your police friend?" I suddenly asked

His face dropped a little before he answered me

He only shook his head in response

"how much longer will this go on? I can't just keep on living in fear that Zach might show up at my doorstep one day"

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen"


"they're digging into his past, they'll find something"

"I sure hope so"

I placed my hand at the kitchen table's surface, debating whether to sit down and eat or not

"I can pack them up for you if you want, you can eat them later" my uncle suggested

"yeah I think that's a good idea. Lia and Liam are picking me up soon anyway"

"what about Ares?"

"what about him?" I asked as I looked up

"do you have any plans with him for today?"

"just a study session"

He gave me a light nod

I've been keeping the fact that I went on a date with Ares away from my uncle

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